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SubjectRe: CFP open for RISC-V MC at Linux Plumbers Conference 2022
On Tue, 03 May 2022 18:30:46 PDT (-0700), wrote:
> The CFP for topic proposals for the RISC-V micro conference[1] is open now.
> Please submit your proposal before it's too late!

Due to all of the extra complexities around hosting conferences right
now we're going to try and get our schedule together a bit earlier than
usual this year: specifically we'll be going through our first round of
acceptances at 10am Pacific on Friday June 17th, to make sure we can
give adequate notice to both the attendees and organizers before the
schedule is set. That's quite a bit earlier than usual and only a month
away so sorry if it's a bit inconvenient for folks, but the goal is to
remove one source of chaos from what will likely be a high complexity
set of conferences this fall. As usual the deadline is soft, but if you
miss it then it just luck as to whether your talk can be fit in.

Also including a reminder to anyone planning on attending that the visa
process is likely to be even more difficult than usual this year, so you
should plan accordingly. If you're from a country that has a complex
visa process then we're happy to help any way we can, just let us know
via email. As usual Plumbers fills up and late registrations are a
headache for the organizers, so be sure to register as early as possible
and let us know if you're running into any issues.

> Here is the announcement[2].
> The Linux plumbers event will be both in person and remote
> (hybrid)virtual this year. More details can be found here [3].
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]

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