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SubjectRe: [RESEND PATCH] time: changed timespec64_to_ns to avoid underrun

On Fri, Sep 10 2021 at 13:50, OPENSOURCE Lukas Hannen wrote:

> This patch fixes a small oversight in timespec64_to_ns() that has resulted

why you are resending this patch?

1) The only change you did is adding a prefix to the subject line

which in fact disqualifies it from the RESEND tag because RESEND
means it's unmodified or just forward ported.

Changed patches even if the change is just in the subject line or the
changelog want a version number.

But what's worse:

2) You ignored any other review comment I gave here:

IOW, you stopped reading at line 12 of my reply

3) Due to that you failed to notice that I said in that reply:

"I fixed it up for you this time."

4) Of course you also ignored the fact that I actually fixed the
identified issues and the fact that the fixed up patch is already
applied to my tree.

You got notfied about that:

So what exactly are you trying to achieve by "resending" a patch which
still does not apply and still has a non-sensical subject line and

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Please get rid of this nonsensical disclaimer.

When posting to public mailing lists the boilerplate confidentiality
disclaimers are not only meaningless, they are absolutely wrong for
obvious reasons.

See for further



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