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SubjectRe: [PATCH 04/13] Kbuild: Rust support
On Fri, Apr 16, 2021 at 8:10 PM Al Viro <> wrote:
> How well would ? operator fit that pattern? _If_ it's just a syntax sugar
> along the lines of "if argument matches Err(_), return Err(_)", the types
> shouldn't be an issue, but that might need some fun with releasing resources,
> etc. If it's something more elaborate... details, please.

Yes, it is just syntax sugar -- it doesn't introduce any power to the language.

It was introduced because it is a very common pattern when using the
`Result` and `Option` enums. In fact, before it existed, it was just a
simple macro that you could also implement yourself.

For instance, given `Foo` and `Bar` types that need RAII cleanup of
some kind (let's say `kill_foo()` and `kill_bar()`):

fn foo() -> KernelResult<Foo> {
if black_box() {
return Err(EINVAL);

// something that gets you a `Foo`
let foo = ...;


fn bar() -> KernelResult<Bar> {
let p = foo()?;

// something that gets you a `Bar`, possibly using the `p`
let bar = ...;


This reduces to (full example at

push rbx
mov ebx, 1
call qword ptr [rip + black_box@GOTPCREL]
test al, al
jne .LBB2_2
call qword ptr [rip + kill_foo@GOTPCREL]
xor ebx, ebx
mov eax, ebx
mov edx, -1234
pop rbx

You can see `bar()` calls `black_box()`. If it failed, it returns the
EINVAL. Otherwise, it cleans up the `foo` automatically and returns
the successful `bar`.


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