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SubjectRe: [PATCH] block: switch to atomic_t for request references
On Wed, Dec 8, 2021 at 9:07 AM Peter Zijlstra <> wrote:
> IOW, the effective range becomes: [1..INT_MIN], which is a bit
> counter-intuitive, but then so is most of this stuff.

I'd suggest not codifying it too strictly, because the exact range at
the upper end might depend on what is convenient for an architecture
to do.

For x86, 'xadd' has odd semantics in that the flags register is about
the *new* state, but the returned value is about the *old* state.

That means that on x86, some things are cheaper to test based on the
pre-inc/dec values, and other things are cheaper to test based on the
post-inc/dec ones.

It's also why for "page->_mapcount" we have the "free" value being -1,
not 0, and the refcount is "off by one". It makes the special cases of
"increment from zero" and "decrement to zero" be very easy and
straightforward to test for.

That might be an option for an "atomic_ref" type - with our existing
"page_mapcount()" code being the thing we'd convert first, and make be
the example for it.

I think it should also make the error cases be very easy to check for
without extra tests. If you make "decrement from zero" be the "ok, now
it's free", then that shows in the carry flag. But otherwise, if SF or
OF is set, it's an error. That means we can use the regular atomics
and flags (although not "dec" and "inc", since we'd care about CF).

So on x86, I think "atomic_dec_ref()" could be

lock subl $1,ptr
jc now_its_free
jl this_is_an_error

if we end up having that "off by one" model.

And importantly, "atomic_inc_ref()" would be just

lock incl ptr
jle this_is_an_error

and this avoids us having to have the value in a register and test it

So your suggestion is _close_, but note how you can't do the "inc_ofl"
without that "off-by-one" model.

And again - I might have gotten the exact flag test instructions
wrong. That's what you get for not actually doing serious assembly
language for a couple of decades.


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