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SubjectRe: [PATCH v2 5/8] docs: sysfs-block: document stable_writes
On 12/8/21 2:34 PM, Eric Biggers wrote:
> Yes, I meant "written out to disk" in the general sense of writeback, not in the
> sense of when the data reaches its final destination. I'm not sure what the
> best way to explain it is. I think it's more than just "the process of
> transferring data from host memory to the device", as that is just part of a
> write request, whereas stable_writes applies to whole requests. How about:
> [RW] This file will contain '1' if memory must not be modified
> while it is being used in a write request to this device. When
> this is the case and the kernel is performing writeback of a
> page, the kernel will wait for writeback to complete before
> allowing the page to be modified again, rather than allowing
> immediate modification as is normally the case. This
> restriction arises when the device accesses the memory multiple
> times where the same data must be seen every time -- for
> example, once to calculate a checksum and once to actually write
> the data. If no such restriction exists, this file will contain
> '0'. This file is writable for testing purposes.

The above sounds good to me.



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