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SubjectRe: [RFC 0/3] cpufreq: cppc: Add support for frequency invariance
On 27-08-20, 12:27, Ionela Voinescu wrote:
> I don't see it as anyone registering for freq invariance, rather the
> freq invariance framework chooses its source of information (AMU, CPPC,
> cpufreq).

Yeah, either way is fine for me.

> > i.e. if CPPC registers for it first then there is no need to check
> > AMUs further (as CPPC will be using AMUs anyway), else we will
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> Not necessarily. Even if AMUs are present, they are only used for CPPC's
> delivered and reference performance counters if the ACPI _CPC entry
> specifies FFH as method:
> ResourceTemplate(){Register(FFixedHW, 0x40, 0, 1, 0x4)},
> ResourceTemplate(){Register(FFixedHW, 0x40, 0, 0, 0x4)},


> While I understand your point (accessing AMUs through CPPC's read
> functions to implement invariance) I don't think it's worth tying the
> two together.
> I see the two functionalities as independent:
> - frequency invariance with whichever source of information is valid
> (AMUs, cpufreq, etc) is separate from
> - CPPC's delivered and reference performance counters, which currently
> are used in cpufreq's .get() function.
> Therefore, taking each of the scenarios one by one:
> - All CPUs support AMUs: the freq invariance initialisation code will
> find AMUs valid and it will use them to set the scale factor;
> completely independently, if the FFH method is specified for CPPC's
> delivered and reference performance counters, it will also use
> AMUs, even if, let's say, invariance is disabled.
> - None of the CPUs support AMUs, but the _CPC entry specifies some
> platform specific counters for delivered and reference performance.
> With the current mainline code neither cpufreq or counter based
> invariance is supported, but the CPPC counters can be used in the
> cppc_cpufreq driver for the .get() function.
> But with the above new functionality we can detect that AMUs are not
> supported and expose the CPPC counters to replace them in
> implementing invariance.
> - Mixed scenarios are also supported if we play our cards right and
> implement the above per-cpu.
> I'm thinking that having some well defined invariance sources might work
> well: it will simplify the init function (go through all registered
> sources and choose (per-cpu) the one that's valid) and allow for
> otherwise generic invariance support. Something like:
> struct freq_inv_source {
> enum freq_inv_source source;
> bool (*valid)(int cpu);
> u64 (*read_corecnt)(int cpu);
> u64 (*read_constcnt)(int cpu);
> u64 (*max_rate)(int cpu);
> u64 (*ref_rate)(int cpu);
> }
> I am in the middle of unifying AMU counter and cpufreq invariance through
> something like this, so if you like the idea and you don't think I'm
> stepping too much on your toes with this, I can consider the usecase in
> my (what should be) generic support. So in the end this might end up
> being just a matter of adding a new invariance source (CPPC counters).

Okay, if you have already started working on that, no issues from my
side. I can just get the relevant stuff from CPPC added once you
provide that layer..

> My only worry is that while I know how a cpufreq source behaves and how
> AMU counters behave, I'm not entirely sure what to expect from CPPC

Neither do I :)

> counters: if they are always appropriate for updates on the tick (not
> blocking),

The update stuff may sleep here and so I had to do stuff in the
irq-work handler in my patch.

> if they both stop during idle, if there is save/restore
> functionality before/after idle, etc.

This I will check.


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