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SubjectRe: [PATCH 2/2] nvme: add emulation for zone-append
On Wed, 2020-08-19 at 15:10 -0700, Keith Busch wrote:
> You're the one who left that thread dangling. You offered to have
> your
> firmware accommodate the Intel sponsored feature that makes your
> patch
> unnecessary in the first place. Your follow up made no sense and you
> have not responded to the queries about it.

There were queries? My key takeaways were a maintainer NAK followed by
instructions to make the Intel drive align with the driver by
implementing NOIOB. While I disagree with the rejection as it appeared
to be based entirely on politics, I can accept it as the quirk wasn't
in the spec.

It's not fair to make this same "your drive should align with the
driver" demand of Samsung because we *are* talking about a spec'ed
feature here. Technical critques of their patches and real performance
degrades observed are fair game and objective; "your company did
the nastiest possible move violating the normal NVMe procedures to make
it optional" is not.

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  Last update: 2020-08-20 01:46    [W:0.103 / U:0.056 seconds]
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