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SubjectRe: [PATCH 0/4] -ffreestanding/-fno-builtin-* patches
On Tue, Aug 18, 2020 at 3:25 PM Arvind Sankar <> wrote:
> Another thing that needs to be fixed is that at least lib/string.c needs
> to be compiled with -ffreestanding.
> gcc-10 optimizes the generic memset implementation in there into a call
> to memset. Now that's on x86 which doesn't use the generic
> implementation, but this is just waiting to bite us.

I'll let you send the patch for that this time. (It's too bad godbolt
doesn't have newer versions of GCC for cross compilation...cant test
aarch64 gcc-10, for example.) It would be interesting for sure to see
resulting differences in disassembly observed in lib/string.o with

But, oof, that's not good. Certainly impressive and powerful loop
idiom recognition, but wouldn't you consider it a bug that this
optimization should probably first check that it's not replacing part
of a loop with a potentially recursive call to itself?

Admittedly, we've had the same shenanigans with memcpy implemented in
terms of calls to __builtin_memcpy being lowered to infinitely
recursive calls...which feels like the same kind of bug. ("You wanted
infinite recursion in the kexec purgatory image, right?" "No,
compiler, I did not.") example:
(probably should fix this in both implementations; at the least I feel
like Clang's -Winfinite-recursion should try to help us out here).

Feels almost like it may be difficult to provide an implementation of
memset without stepping on a landmine. One thing I'd be curious about
is whether all of lib/string.c would need -ffreestanding, or if you
could move just memset to its own TU then use -ffreestanding on that.
A free standing environment must always provide a core set of
functions like memset, memcpy, memcmp, memmove, according to Maybe those four
should be in a separate TU compiled as -ffreestanding, so that they
can never be lowered to calls to themselves (potentially infinitely
~Nick Desaulniers

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