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SubjectRe: [PATCH 2/2] pci: Add parameter to disable attaching untrusted devices
On Fri, Jun 26, 2020 at 11:53:34AM -0700, Rajat Jain wrote:
> a) I think what was decided was introducing a device core "location"
> property that can be exposed to userspace to help it to decide whether
> or not to attach a driver to a device. Yes, that is still the plan.

Great, but this patch ignores that and starts to add policy :(

> (Mild sidenote: userspace may not need to distinguish between internal
> and external devices if it can assume that no internal PCI devices
> will show up after "echo 0 > /sys/bus/pci/drivers_autoprobe". But
> nevertheless...)

It can not assume that.

> b) Note that even with (a) in place, we still need a parameter that
> can ensure that drivers are not bound to external devices at boot,
> *before* userspace gets a chance to disable "drivers_autoprobe".

Why do you think you need that? I kind of doubt you really want this,
but ick, if you really do, make it a policy decision that you bake into
the kernel as a build option, so that no one else has to use it :)


Ick, please use, we don't control and it's not
all that reliable.

> Is it OK to add such a parameter in device core?

You don't have internal/external/wherever in the driver core yet, so
don't start adding policy before you get that...


greg k-h

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  Last update: 2020-06-27 07:02    [W:3.123 / U:0.016 seconds]
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