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SubjectRe: [PATCH 07/25] mm/csky: Use mm_fault_accounting()
On Wed, Jun 17, 2020 at 12:58 PM Peter Xu <> wrote:
> But currently remote GUP will still do the page fault accounting on the remote
> task_struct, am I right? E.g., when the get_user_pages_remote() is called with
> "tsk != current", it seems the faultin_page() will still do maj_flt/min_flt
> accounting for that remote task/thread?

Well, that would be a data race and fundamentally buggy.

It would be ok with something like ptrace (which only works when the
target is quiescent), but is completely wrong otherwise.

I guess it works fine in practice, and it's only statistics so even if
you were to have a data race it doesn't much matter, but it's
definitely conceptually very very wrong.

The fault stats should be about who does the fault (they are about the
_thread_) not about who the fault is done to (which is about the

Allocating the fault data to somebody else sounds frankly silly and
stupid to me, exactly because it's (a) racy and (b) not even
conceptually correct. The other thread literally _isn't_ doing a major
page fault, for crissake!

Now, there are some actual per-mm statistics too (the rss stuff etc),
and it's fundamentally harder exactly because of the shared data. See
the mm_counter stuff etc. Those are not about who does soemthing, they
are about the resulting MM state.


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