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Subject[PATCH v3 15/21] dyndbg: export ddebug_exec_queries
Exporting ddebug_exec_queries will allow module authors using dynamic
debug to actually control/enable/disable their own pr-debug callsites

With it, module authors can tie any update of their internal debug
variables to a corresponding ddebug_exec_queries invocation, which
will modify all their selected callsites accordingly.

Generally, authors would exec +p or -p on some subsets of their set of
callsites, and leave fmlt flags for user to choose the appropriate
amount of structural context desired in the logs.

Depending upon the user needs, the module might be known, and
therefore a waste of screen width, function would be valuable, file
would be long and familiar to the author, etc.. That said, author
could harness the message-prefix facility if they saw fit to do so.
Any author preferences can be overridden with echo >control

Is it safe ?

ddebug_exec_queries() is currently 'exposed' to user space in
several limited ways;

1 it is called from module-load callback, where it implements the
$modname.dyndbg=+p "fake" parameter provided to all modules.

2 it handles query input from >control directly

IOW, it is "fully" exposed to local root user; exposing the same
functionality to other kernel modules is no additional risk.

The other big issue to check is locking:

dyndbg has a single mutex, taken by ddebug_change to handle >control,
and by ddebug_proc_(start|stop) to span `cat control`. ISTM this
proposed export presents no locking problems.

drm use case:

drm.debug=0x03 appears to be a kernel boot-arg example, setting 2
internal debug flags. Each bit is probably controlling a separate
subset of all debug-prints, they may be overlapping subsets.

Those subsets are *definitely* expressible as a few dyndbg queries
each. Any arbitrary subset is.

drm.dyndbg='file drm_gem_* +p' # gem debug
drm.dyndbg='file *_gem_* +p' # *gem debug

With this proposed export, drm authors could exec these examples, most
likely in the callback that handles updates to the drm.debug variable.

Signed-off-by: Jim Cromie <>
lib/dynamic_debug.c | 1 +
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)

diff --git a/lib/dynamic_debug.c b/lib/dynamic_debug.c
index e1dd96178f18..ff97938b5849 100644
--- a/lib/dynamic_debug.c
+++ b/lib/dynamic_debug.c
@@ -547,6 +547,7 @@ static int ddebug_exec_queries(char *query, const char *modname)
return exitcode;
return nfound;

#define PREFIX_SIZE 64

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  Last update: 2020-06-17 18:28    [W:0.190 / U:0.084 seconds]
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