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SubjectRe: [GIT PULL] SafeSetID MAINTAINERS file update for v5.3
On Tue, Aug 6, 2019 at 9:32 AM Micah Morton <> wrote:
> Unfortunately I didn't have the mental model quite right of what
> happens during the pull request. I was thinking along the lines of my
> commits being cherry picked onto your tree, rather than how it
> actually happens with git merge where my tree's commit history needs
> to match yours perfectly.

The "cherry-pick" model is what "git pull --rebase" does in reverse
(ie it pulls the exact history from the other end, and then rebases
the _local_ history on top of that).

But the cherry-picking model is entirely inappropriate for any bigger
project. Yes, you can do it locally on your _local_ small changes (but
see all the docs about why rebasing is not a great thing), but it's
entirely unmanageable and doesn't scale in the big picture.

It's why all the projects that were based on patch series were
complete and utter failures. A "patch series" only works locally. It's
not reasonable to scale and distribute.

Git fundamentally makes history a first-class immutable citizen, and
it's a major feature and a core design thing, and it's the _only_
thing that makes distribution possible. Whenever you rewrite history,
you fundamentally screw up a distributed model.


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