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SubjectRe: [PATCH] RISC-V: Issue a local tlb flush if possible.
On Mon, Aug 12, 2019 at 10:36:25AM -0500, Troy Benjegerdes wrote:
> Is there anything other than convention and current usage that prevents
> the kernel from natively handling TLB flushes without ever making the SBI
> call?

Yes and no.

In all existing RISC-V implementation remote TLB flushes are simply
implementing using IPIs. So you could trivially implement remote TLB
flush using IPIs, and in fact Gary Guo posted a series to do that a
while ago.

But: the RISC privileged spec requires that IPIs are only issued from
M-mode and only delivered to M-mode. So what would be a trivial MMIO
write plus interupt to wakeup the remote hart actually turns into
a dance requiring multiple context switches between privile levels,
and without additional optimizations that will be even slower than the
current SBI based implementation.

I've started a prototype implementation and spec edits to relax this
and allow direct IPIs from S-mode to S-mode, which will speed up IPIs
by about an order of magnitude, and I hope this will be how future
RISC-V implementations work.

> Someone is eventually going to want to run the linux kernel in machine mode,
> likely for performance and/or security reasons, and this will require flushing TLBs
> natively anyway.

The nommu ports run in M-mode. But running a MMU-enabled port in M-mode
is rather painful if not impossible (trust me, I've tried) due to how
the privileged spec says that M-mode generally runs without address
translation. There is a workaround using the MPRV bit in mstatus, but
even that just uses the address translation for loads and stores, and
not for the program text.

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