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SubjectRe: [PATCH] lm75: add lm75b detection
Sorry for my late reply, 

>FWIW, I don't think there is anything to implement; I don't see any
>differences in functionality.
Yes, no functional difference but the detection

>I am much more concerned about weakening the already weak detection even further:
>As written, each chip with register 0x07 != 0xa1 will be identified as LM75B.
>Even if that was strengthened to actually check if the register value is 0xff,
>we have no idea what other vendors might implement in those registers. it would
>most certainly mis-identify LM75C as LM75B. Not that it really matters if
>the chip _is_ a LM75C, but who knows if other chips fit that identification
Yes, that's also my concern on the code of detection. I don't have any other sensors as
LM75C to try, so thinking maybe some other guys can help extend it if needed in future.

>Overall, my suggestion is to add a small startup script to affected systems
>to instantiate the chip directly, and avoid weakening the detect function.
Understood, we can have the instantiating script but just don't want limit the detection.
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  Last update: 2019-11-07 07:18    [W:0.038 / U:0.136 seconds]
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