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SubjectRe: Lay common foundation to make PVR/SGX work without hacks on OMAP34xx, OMAP36xx, AM335x and potentially OMAP4, OMAP5

> Am 08.10.2019 um 22:15 schrieb H. Nikolaus Schaller <>:
>> Am 08.10.2019 um 10:00 schrieb Tero Kristo <>:
>> On 07/10/2019 22:24, H. Nikolaus Schaller wrote:
>>> Hi Tero,
>>>> Am 07.10.2019 um 21:18 schrieb Tero Kristo <>:
>>>> On 07/10/2019 18:52, Tony Lindgren wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> * H. Nikolaus Schaller <> [191005 16:59]:
>>>>> Please try with Tero's current github branch at
>>>>> 5.4-rc1-ipc from few days ago, the earlier versions had still issues.
>>>> Yeah, this one should be fixed now.
>>> Ok! Will try asap.
>>>>>> * OMAP5 (Pyra): fails to enable the clocks (did work with the previous version)
>>>>>> [ 304.140363] clock-controller:clk:0000:0: failed to enable
>>>>>> [ 304.147388] PVR_K:(Error): EnableSGXClocks: pm_runtime_get_sync failed (16)
>>>>> Hmm no idea what might be up with this one. Did some clkctrl clock
>>>>> fixes maybe cause a regression here? Tero do you have any ideas?
>>>> So, this one I am not too sure, I haven't looked at omap5 graphics clocking. I don't think it has anything to do with reset handling though.
>>>> Is there some simple way to try this out on board; without PVR module that is?
>>> Yes, I have also seen it when just running the commands in the original commit message [1]:
>>> # echo on > $(find /sys -name control | grep \/5600)
>>> # rwmem 0x5600fe00 # OCP Revision
>>> 0x5600fe00 = 0x40000000
>>> # echo auto > $(find /sys -name control | grep \/5600)
>>> # rwmem 0x5600fe10
>>> # rwmem 0x56000024
>>> But I have not yet tested with 5.4-rc2, just 5.4-rc1.
>> Ok, there is a one liner DTS data fix for this issue, attached.
> Yes, have tested and it fixes omap5. I have the 3D demo running again on the Pyra. Yay!
> Together with the latest rstcrtl patches, am335x is now better.
> No omap_reset_deassert: timedout waiting for gfx:0 any more.
> But I can't access the sgx registers and get memory faults. Maybe
> my script has a bug and is trying the wrong address. Have to check
> with some distance...

Now I have done more tests on am335x. It is not my script but something else.

Trying to read 0x5600fe00 after doing

echo on > /sys/bus/platform/devices/

gives page faults.

When trying to load the kernel driver, the omap_reset_deassert message has
gone but the driver does no initialize:

root@letux:~# modprobe pvrsrvkm_omap_am335x_sgx530_125
[ 45.774712] pvrsrvkm_omap_am335x_sgx530_125: module is from the staging directory, the quality is unknown, you have been warned.

Here is the CM/PM register dump after enabling power/control

*** SGX Register Dump ***
0x44E00900 00000301 CM_GFX_L3_CLKSTCTRL
0x44E00904 00050000 CM_GFX_GFX_CLKCTRL
0x44E0090c 00000002 CM_GFX_L4LS_GFX_CLKSTCTR
0x44E00910 00030000 CM_GFX_MMUCFG_CLKCTRL
0x44E00914 00030000 CM_GFX_MMUDATA_CLKCTRL
0x44E0052c 00000000 CM_DPLL.CLKSEL_GFX_FCLK
0x44E01100 00060047 PM_GFX_PWRSTCTRL
0x44E01104 00000001 RM_GFX_RSTCTRL
0x44E01110 00000037 PM_GFX_PWRSTST


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