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SubjectRe: [PATCH v6 03/14] PM: Introduce an Energy Model management framework
Hi Patrick,

On Wednesday 29 Aug 2018 at 11:04:35 (+0100), Patrick Bellasi wrote:
> In the loop above we use smp_store_release() to propagate the pointer
> setting in a PER_CPU(em_data), which ultimate goal is to protect
> em_register_perf_domain() from multiple clients registering the same
> power domain.
> I think there are two possible optimizations there:
> 1. use of a single memory barrier
> Since we are already em_pd_mutex protected, i.e. there cannot be a
> concurrent writers, we can use one single memory barrier after the
> loop, i.e.
> for_each_cpu(cpu, span)
> smp_wmb()
> which should be just enough to ensure that all other CPUs will see
> the pointer set once we release the mutex

Right, I'm actually wondering if the memory barrier is needed at all ...
The mutex lock()/unlock() should already ensure the ordering I want no ?

WRITE_ONCE() should prevent load/store tearing with concurrent em_cpu_get(),
and the release/acquire semantics of mutex lock/unlock should be enough to
serialize the memory accesses of concurrent em_register_perf_domain() calls
properly ...

Hmm, let me read memory-barriers.txt again.

> 2. avoid using PER_CPU variables
> Apart from the initialization code, i.e. boot time, the em_data is
> expected to be read only, isn't it?

That's right. It's not only read only, it's also not read very often (in
the use-cases I have in mind at least). The scheduler for example will
call em_cpu_get() once when sched domains are built, and keep the
reference instead of calling it again.

> If that's the case, I think that using PER_CPU variables is not
> strictly required while it unnecessarily increases the cache pressure.
> In the worst case we can end up with one cache line for each CPU to
> host just an 8B pointer, instead of using that single cache line to host
> up to 8 pointers if we use just an array, i.e.
> struct em_perf_domain *em_data[NR_CPUS]
> ____cacheline_aligned_in_smp __read_mostly;
> Consider also that: up to 8 pointers in a single cache line means
> also that single cache line can be enough to access the EM from all
> the CPUs of almost every modern mobile phone SoC.
> Note entirely sure if PER_CPU uses less overall memory in case you
> have much less CPUs then the compile time defined NR_CPUS.
> But still, if the above makes sense, you still have a 8x gain
> factor between number Write allocated .data..percp sections and
> the value of NR_CPUS. Meaning that in the worst case we allocate
> the same amount of memory using NR_CPUS=64 (the default on arm64)
> while running on an 8 CPUs system... but still we should get less
> cluster caches pressure at run-time with the array approach, 1
> cache line vs 4.

Right, using per_cpu() might cause to bring in cache things you don't
really care about (other non-related per_cpu stuff), but that shouldn't
waste memory I think. I mean, if my em_data var is the first in a cache
line, the rest of the cache line will most likely be used by other
per_cpu variables anyways ...

As you suggested, the alternative would be to have a simple array. I'm
fine with this TBH. But I would probably allocate it dynamically using
nr_cpu_ids instead of using a static NR_CPUS-wide thing though -- the
registration of perf domains usually happens late enough in the boot

What do you think ?


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