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SubjectRe: [PATCH] Fix kexec forbidding kernels signed with custom platform keys to boot
James Bottomley <> wrote:

> I've told you several times you can't use the secure boot keys for any form
> of trust beyond boot,

Yes - and you've been told several times that you're wrong.

As far as I can tell, you seem to think that whilst keys from the UEFI storage
could be used to verify a hacked module, they couldn't be used to verify a
hacked boot-time component (shim, grub, kernel, etc.).

However, if you can load a hacked module, you can very likely replace the
shim, say, with a hacked one. In fact, replacing the shim may be easier
because modules are tied to their parent kernel in other ways besides the
signing key, whereas a shim must be standalone.

I will grant, however, that it I can understand a desire to reduce the attack
surface by not trusting the UEFI keys beyond booting - but then you shouldn't
use them for kexec *either*.

> Personally, I don't see any use for the UEFI keys in the kernel beyond
> kexec

Allowing you to load the NVidia module, say, into the kernel without the
distribution having to build it in with the kernel.


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