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    SubjectRe: [PATCH 2/2] leds: lp5024: Add the LP5024/18 RGB LED driver
    On 12/31/18 4:43 PM, Jacek Anaszewski wrote:
    > On 12/30/18 6:35 PM, Pavel Machek wrote:
    >> On Sun 2018-12-30 18:09:35, Jacek Anaszewski wrote:
    >>> On 12/29/18 8:07 PM, Pavel Machek wrote:
    >>>> Hi!
    >>>>>>> With the "color" sysfs file it will make more sense to allow for
    >>>>>>> user
    >>>>>>> defined color palettes.
    >>>>>> I think defining these values in the device tree or acpi severely
    >>>>>> limits the devices
    >>>>>> capabilities.  Especially in development phases.  If the knobs
    >>>>>> were exposed then the user space
    >>>>>> can create new experiences.  The color definition should be an
    >>>>>> absolute color defined in the dt and
    >>>>>> either the framework or user space needs to mix these
    >>>>>> appropriately.  IMO user space should set the policy
    >>>>>> of the user experience and the dt/acpi needs to set the capabilities.
    >>>>>> I do like Pavels idea on defining the more standard binding
    >>>>>> pattern to "group" leds into a single group.
    >>>>>> Maybe the framework could take these groups and combine/group them
    >>>>>> into a single node with the groups colors.
    >>>>> There is still HSV approach [0] in store. One problem with proposed
    >>>>> implementation is fixed algorithm of RGB <-> HSV color space
    >>>>> conversion.
    >>>>> Maybe allowing for some board specific adjustments in DT would add
    >>>>> more flexibility.
    >>>>> [0]
    >>>> Yes we could do HSV. Problem is that that we do not really have RGB
    >>>> available. We do have integers for red, green and blue, but they do
    >>>> not correspond to RGB colorspace.
    >>> OK, so conversion from HSV to RGB would only increase the aberration.
    >>> So, let's stick to RGB - we've got to have some stable ground and this
    >>> is something that the hardware at least pretends to be compliant
    >>> with.
    >> I'm not saying that we should stick to RGB. I'm just saying that
    >> problem is complex.
    >> And no, hardware does not even pretend to be compliant with RGB color
    >> model ( ). In
    >> particular, in RGB there is non-linear brightness curve.
    > Quotation from the wiki page you referred to:
    > "RGB is a device-dependent color model: different devices detect or
    > reproduce a given RGB value differently, since the color elements (such
    > as phosphors or dyes) and their response to the individual R, G, and B
    > levels vary from manufacturer to manufacturer, or even in the same
    > device over time. Thus an RGB value does not define the same color
    > across devices without some kind of color management"
    > This claim alone leaves much room for the manufacturers to pretend that
    > their devices are compliant with RGB model.
    > And the documentation of the hardware the discussed driver is for
    > also refers to RGB model in many places - e.g. see Table 1, page 15
    > in the document [0], where mapping of output triplets to an RGB module
    > is shown.
    > One thing that I missed is that the discussed hardware provides
    > LEDn_BRIGHTNESS registers for each RGB LED module, that can be
    > configured to set color intensity in linear or logarithmic fashion.
    > Actually this stands in contradiction with RGB model, since
    > change of "color intensity" means change of all RGB components.
    > We could use brightness file as for monochrome LEDs for that,

    Here I mean brightness file in addition to the previously proposed
    red, green and blue files.

    > but we'd need to come up with consistent interface semantics
    > for all devices, also those which don't have corresponding
    > functionality. Probably this is the place where we could apply
    > some RGB<->HSV conversion, as color intensity feels something
    > more of HSV's saturation and value.
    > It would be good to hear from Dan how that looks in reality
    > in case of lp5024 device.
    >>> Our problem is how to set the color atomically. With HSV approach we
    >>> were to obviate the problem by mapping brightness file to the "V"
    >>> component of that color space, and write all H,S and V values to the
    >>> hardware only on write to brightness file.
    >> I'm not sure how realistic the "atomic color" problem is. Computers
    >> are way faster than human vision.
    > With LEDn_BRIGHTNESS registers of lp5024 it seems that we need the
    > ability for grouping LEDs in triplets and be able to set their intensity
    > with a single write operation.
    >> I believe problem to start with is the "white" problem. Setting
    >> R=G=B=255 will _not_ result in anything close to white light on
    >> hardware I have.
    > RGBW LED controllers solve this problem. For the devices without
    > white/amber we cannot do more than the hardware allows for.
    > [0]

    Best regards,
    Jacek Anaszewski

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