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SubjectRe: [PATCH] RISC-V: defconfig: Enable Generic PCIE by default
On Fri, 21 Dec 2018 11:27:39 PST (-0800), Paul Walmsley wrote:
> On Fri, 21 Dec 2018, Alistair Francis wrote:
>> When the MicroSemi driver does eventually go upstream this will
>> probably have to be discussed though as either the config or device
>> tree will need to be edited to ensure only one PCIe device is present.
> The right way to do that is to have two separate DT files: one for the
> HiFive-U board alone; the other for the HiFive-U plus the expansion board
> combo. There shouldn't be any problems with keeping both drivers enabled
> in the defconfig.

We actually need at least three:

* One for the HiFive Unleashed
* One for the HiFive Unleashed, when attached to the Micro Semi expansion
* One for the HiFive Unleashed, when attached to a VC707.

We may end up needing additional device trees for the newer Xilinx boards,
depending on if it's possible to probe for that 32-bit DMA limit on the VC707
or not. Then, of course, we'll need an image-specific device tree whenever we
put an accelerator on the FPGA.

Ideally we'd have a discoverable bus, but that's going to be a bit of a way
out. For now we'll have to get by with different device trees, but that should
get significantly easier when we get a proper bootloader working.

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  Last update: 2018-12-26 17:53    [W:0.045 / U:2.472 seconds]
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