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    SubjectRe: [PATCH v2 06/14] ARM: sun8i: clk: Add clk-factor rate application method

    On 21.7.2016 11:48, Maxime Ripard wrote:
    > On Fri, Jul 15, 2016 at 12:38:54PM +0200, Ondřej Jirman wrote:
    >> On 15.7.2016 10:53, Maxime Ripard wrote:
    >>> On Fri, Jul 01, 2016 at 02:50:57AM +0200, Ondřej Jirman wrote:
    >>>>>> /**
    >>>>>> + * sun8i_h3_apply_pll1_factors() - applies n, k, m, p factors to the
    >>>>>> + * register using an algorithm that tries to reserve the PLL lock
    >>>>>> + */
    >>>>>> +
    >>>>>> +static void sun8i_h3_apply_pll1_factors(struct clk_factors *factors, struct factors_request *req)
    >>>>>> +{
    >>>>>> + const struct clk_factors_config *config = factors->config;
    >>>>>> + u32 reg;
    >>>>>> +
    >>>>>> + /* Fetch the register value */
    >>>>>> + reg = readl(factors->reg);
    >>>>>> +
    >>>>>> + if (FACTOR_GET(config->pshift, config->pwidth, reg) < req->p) {
    >>>>>> + reg = FACTOR_SET(config->pshift, config->pwidth, reg, req->p);
    >>>>>> +
    >>>>>> + writel(reg, factors->reg);
    >>>>>> + __delay(2000);
    >>>>>> + }
    >>>>> So there was some doubts about the fact that P was being used, or at
    >>>>> least that it was useful.
    >>>> p is necessary to reduce frequencies below 288 MHz according to the
    >>>> datasheet.
    >>> Yes, but you could reach those frequencies without P, too, and it's
    >>> not part of any OPP provided by Allwinner.
    >> The arisc firmware for H3 contains table of factors for frequences from
    >> 0 to 2GHz and, P is used below 240MHz. M is never used, BTW. (other
    >> datasheets specify M as for testing use only, whatever that means - not
    >> H3, but it seems it's the same PLL block)
    > Interesting. Which SoCs in particular?
    >>>>>> + if (FACTOR_GET(config->mshift, config->mwidth, reg) < req->m) {
    >>>>>> + reg = FACTOR_SET(config->mshift, config->mwidth, reg, req->m);
    >>>>>> +
    >>>>>> + writel(reg, factors->reg);
    >>>>>> + __delay(2000);
    >>>>>> + }
    >>>>>> +
    >>>>>> + reg = FACTOR_SET(config->nshift, config->nwidth, reg, req->n);
    >>>>>> + reg = FACTOR_SET(config->kshift, config->kwidth, reg, req->k);
    >>>>>> +
    >>>>>> + writel(reg, factors->reg);
    >>>>>> + __delay(20);
    >>>>>> +
    >>>>>> + while (!(readl(factors->reg) & (1 << config->lock)));
    >>>>> So, they are applying the dividers first, and then applying the
    >>>>> multipliers, and then wait for the PLL to stabilize.
    >>>> Not exactly, first we are increasing dividers if the new dividers are
    >>>> higher that that what's already set. This ensures that because
    >>>> application of dividers is immediate by the design of the PLL, the
    >>>> application of multipliers isn't. So the VCO would still run at the same
    >>>> frequency for a while gradually rising to a new value for example,
    >>>> while the dividers would be reduced immediately. Leading to crash.
    >>>> PLL
    >>>> --------------------------
    >>>> PRE DIV(f0) -> VCO(f1) -> POST DIV(f2)
    >>>> P K,N M
    >>>> Example: (we set all factors at once, reducing dividers and multipliers
    >>>> at the same time at 0ms - this should lead to no change in the output
    >>>> frequency, but...)
    >>>> -1ms: f0 = 24MHz, f1 = 2GHz, f2 = 1GHz
    >>>> 0ms: f0 = 24MHz, f1 = 2GHz, f2 = 2GHz - boom
    >>>> 1ms: f0 = 24MHz, f1 = 1.5GHz, f2 = 1.5GHz
    >>>> 2ms: f0 = 24MHz, f1 = 1GHz, f2 = 1GHz
    >>>> The current code crashes exactly at boom, you don't get any more
    >>>> instructions to execute.
    >>>> See.
    >>>> So this patch first increases dividers (only if necessary), changes
    >>>> multipliers and waits for change to happen (takes around 2000 cycles),
    >>>> and then decreases dividers (only if necessary).
    >>>> So we get:
    >>>> -1ms: f0 = 24MHz, f1 = 2GHz, f2 = 1GHz
    >>>> 0ms: f0 = 24MHz, f1 = 2GHz, f2 = 1GHz - no boom, multiplier
    >>>> reduced
    >>>> 1ms: f0 = 24MHz, f1 = 1.5GHz, f2 = 0.75GHz
    >>>> 1.9ms: f0 = 24MHz, f1 = 1GHz, f2 = 0.5GHz - we got PLL sync
    >>>> 2ms: f0 = 24MHz, f1 = 1GHz, f2 = 1GHz - and here we reduce divider
    >>>> at last
    >>> Awesome explanation, thanks!
    >>> So I guess it really all boils down to the fact that the CPU is
    >>> clocked way outside of it's operating frequency while the PLL
    >>> stabilizes, right?
    >> It may be, depending on the factors before and after change. I haven't
    >> tested what factors the mainline kernel calculates for each frequency.
    >> The arisc never uses M, and only uses P at frequencies that would not
    >> allow for this behavior.
    >> I created a test program for arisc that runs a loop on the main CPU
    >> using msgbox to send pings to the arisc CPU, and the vary the PLL1
    >> randomly from the arisc, and haven't been able to lockup the main CPU
    >> yet with either method.
    >> There's also AXI clock, that depends on PLL1. Arisc firmware uses the
    >> same method to change it while changing CPUX clock. If the clock would
    >> rise above certain frequency, AXI divider is increased before the PLL1
    >> change. If it would fall below certain frequency it is decreased after
    >> the PLL1 change.
    > If we ever need to change that, we can always rely on a clock notifier
    > to adjust the divider before the change happen (and support all the
    > scenarios, like the clock change has been aborted).
    >>> If so, then yes, trying to switch to the 24MHz oscillator before
    >>> applying the factors, and then switching back when the PLL is stable
    >>> would be a nice solution.
    >>> I just checked, and all the SoCs we've had so far have that
    >>> possibility, so if it works, for now, I'd like to stick to that.
    >> It would need to be tested. U-boot does the change only once, while the
    >> kernel would be doing it all the time and between various frequencies
    >> and PLL settings. So the issues may show up with this solution too.
    > That would have the benefit of being quite easy to document, not be a
    > huge amount of code and it would work on all the CPUs PLLs we have so
    > far, so still, a pretty big win. If it doesn't, of course, we don't
    > really have the choice.

    It's probably more code though. It has to access different register from
    the one that is already defined in dts, which would add a lot of code
    and require dts changes. The original patch I sent is simpler than that.


    > Maxime

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