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SubjectRe: [RESEND PATCH V2 1/3] Add mmap flag to request pages are locked after page fault
On 06/22/2015 04:18 PM, Eric B Munson wrote:
> On Mon, 22 Jun 2015, Michal Hocko wrote:
>> On Fri 19-06-15 12:43:33, Eric B Munson wrote:
>>> On Fri, 19 Jun 2015, Michal Hocko wrote:
>>>> On Thu 18-06-15 16:30:48, Eric B Munson wrote:
>>>>> On Thu, 18 Jun 2015, Michal Hocko wrote:
>>>> [...]
>>>>>> Wouldn't it be much more reasonable and straightforward to have
>>>>>> MAP_FAULTPOPULATE as a counterpart for MAP_POPULATE which would
>>>>>> explicitly disallow any form of pre-faulting? It would be usable for
>>>>>> other usecases than with MAP_LOCKED combination.
>>>>> I don't see a clear case for it being more reasonable, it is one
>>>>> possible way to solve the problem.
>>>> MAP_FAULTPOPULATE would be usable for other cases as well. E.g. fault
>>>> around is all or nothing feature. Either all mappings (which support
>>>> this) fault around or none. There is no way to tell the kernel that
>>>> this particular mapping shouldn't fault around. I haven't seen such a
>>>> request yet but we have seen requests to have a way to opt out from
>>>> a global policy in the past (e.g. per-process opt out from THP). So
>>>> I can imagine somebody will come with a request to opt out from any
>>>> speculative operations on the mapped area in the future.

That sounds like something where new madvise() flag would make more
sense than a new mmap flag, and conflating it with locking behavior
would lead to all kinds of weird corner cases as Eric mentioned.

>>>>> But I think it leaves us in an even
>>>>> more akward state WRT VMA flags. As you noted in your fix for the
>>>>> mmap() man page, one can get into a state where a VMA is VM_LOCKED, but
>>>>> not present. Having VM_LOCKONFAULT states that this was intentional, if
>>>>> we go to using MAP_FAULTPOPULATE instead of MAP_LOCKONFAULT, we no
>>>>> longer set VM_LOCKONFAULT (unless we want to start mapping it to the
>>>>> presence of two MAP_ flags). This can make detecting the MAP_LOCKED +
>>>>> populate failure state harder.
>>>> I am not sure I understand your point here. Could you be more specific
>>>> how would you check for that and what for?
>>> My thought on detecting was that someone might want to know if they had
>>> a VMA that was VM_LOCKED but had not been made present becuase of a
>>> failure in mmap. We don't have a way today, but adding VM_LOCKONFAULT
>>> is at least explicit about what is happening which would make detecting
>>> the VM_LOCKED but not present state easier.
>> One could use /proc/<pid>/pagemap to query the residency.

I think that's all too much complex scenario for a little gain. If
someone knows that mmap(MAP_LOCKED|MAP_POPULATE) is not perfect, he
should either mlock() separately from mmap(), or fault the range
manually with a for loop. Why try to detect if the corner case was hit?

>>> This assumes that
>>> MAP_FAULTPOPULATE does not translate to a VMA flag, but it sounds like
>>> it would have to.
>> Yes, it would have to have a VM flag for the vma.

So with your approach, VM_LOCKED flag is enough, right? The new MAP_ /
MLOCK_ flags just cause setting VM_LOCKED to not fault the whole vma,
but otherwise nothing changes.

If that's true, I think it's better than a new vma flag.

>>>> From my understanding MAP_LOCKONFAULT is essentially
>>>> MAP_FAULTPOPULATE|MAP_LOCKED with a quite obvious semantic (unlike
>>>> single MAP_LOCKED unfortunately). I would love to also have
>>>> MAP_LOCKED|MAP_POPULATE (aka full mlock semantic) but I am really
>>>> skeptical considering how my previous attempt to make MAP_POPULATE
>>>> reasonable went.
>>> Are you objecting to the addition of the VMA flag VM_LOCKONFAULT, or the
>>> new MAP_LOCKONFAULT flag (or both)?
>> I thought the MAP_FAULTPOPULATE (or any other better name) would
>> directly translate into VM_FAULTPOPULATE and wouldn't be tight to the
>> locked semantic. We already have VM_LOCKED for that. The direct effect
>> of the flag would be to prevent from population other than the direct
>> page fault - including any speculative actions like fault around or
>> read-ahead.
> I like the ability to control other speculative population, but I am not
> sure about overloading it with the VM_LOCKONFAULT case. Here is my
> concern. If we are using VM_FAULTPOPULATE | VM_LOCKED to denote
> LOCKONFAULT, how can we tell the difference between someone that wants
> to avoid read-ahead and wants to use mlock()? This might lead to some
> interesting states with mlock() and munlock() that take flags. For
> instance, using VM_LOCKONFAULT mlock(MLOCK_ONFAULT) followed by
> munlock(MLOCK_LOCKED) leaves the VMAs in the same state with
> VM_LOCKONFAULT set. If we use VM_FAULTPOPULATE, the same pair of calls
> would clear VM_LOCKED, but leave VM_FAULTPOPULATE. It may not matter in
> the end, but I am concerned about the subtleties here.


>>> If you prefer that MAP_LOCKED |
>>> MAP_FAULTPOPULATE means that VM_LOCKONFAULT is set, I am fine with that
>>> instead of introducing MAP_LOCKONFAULT. I went with the new flag
>>> because to date, we have a one to one mapping of MAP_* to VM_* flags.
>>>>> If this is the preferred path for mmap(), I am fine with that.
>>>>> However,
>>>>> I would like to see the new system calls that Andrew mentioned (and that
>>>>> I am testing patches for) go in as well.
>>>> mlock with flags sounds like a good step but I am not sure it will make
>>>> sense in the future. POSIX has screwed that and I am not sure how many
>>>> applications would use it. This ship has sailed long time ago.
>>> I don't know either, but the code is the question, right? I know that
>>> we have at least one team that wants it here.
>>>>> That way we give users the
>>>>> ability to request VM_LOCKONFAULT for memory allocated using something
>>>>> other than mmap.
>>>> mmap(MAP_FAULTPOPULATE); mlock() would have the same semantic even
>>>> without changing mlock syscall.
>>> That is true as long as MAP_FAULTPOPULATE set a flag in the VMA(s). It
>>> doesn't cover the actual case I was asking about, which is how do I get
>>> lock on fault on malloc'd memory?
>> OK I see your point now. We would indeed need a flag argument for mlock.
>> --
>> Michal Hocko
>> SUSE Labs

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