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SubjectRe: [PATCH] regulator: Support different config and dev of_nodes in regulator_register
On Thu, Feb 05, 2015 at 09:33:31AM -0800, Tim Bird wrote:
> On 02/04/2015 05:59 PM, Mark Brown wrote:

> > This is explicitly not supported; such bindings are invariably attempts
> > to encode the Linux MFD structure into the device tree (which isn't a
> > wonderful idea as the way we split things into subsystems can and does
> > change) or...

> Sorry - what is the "Linux MFD structure"?

The way we split things up into subsystems via drivers/mfd. Our set of
subsystems is neither fixed nor authorative.

> Well, the above DT node is not complete. Let me give some more
> context. I eventually want to have the charger driver support 2
> regulators - one for the OTG vbus output (shown above) and one
> for a boost hardware device, which controls voltage for this and
> other parts of the system. These are both for IP blocks that are
> in the register range of this charger hardware (and hence belong, IMHO
> in this driver). I can easily move the otg-supply to the charger DT node,
> as you request, but what do I do about other regulator attributes,
> if I need to specify them for both the chg_otg and boost regulators
> provided by this driver? How would this be handled? I can't put them
> all in the charger DT node.

This just sounds like a standard multi-regulator PMIC - usually the
nodes for all the regulators end up getting stuffed in a node (typically
called regulators) which the core can then interate over for you. I'm
just not seeing what's unusual about this device, sorry.
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