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SubjectRe: [PATCH v2] modsign: use shred to overwrite the private key before deleting it
Am 25.01.2015 um 13:24 schrieb Alexander Holler:
> Am 25.01.2015 um 13:08 schrieb Richard Weinberger:
>> Or add support for the "s" chattr to major filesystems.
> And change the manpage for the 's' attribute to change the "overwriting
> with zero" with some other wording.
> But thanks for the hint. I wasn't aware of that bit (maybe because it's
> still useless on most filesystems).
> But the above silly instruction might still help in implementing support
> for the 's' attribute.
> Also I wonder what happens if you delete a file with such an attribute
> on e.g. an SSD. I assume the user just gets a false positive that the
> file is deleted, which isn't much different to what nowadays happens and
> doesn't therefor really help.
> So maybe shred should first set the 's' attribute before calling unlink
> on that file (if it doesn't already do it). I will look at it and send a
> patch if necessary. It's at least a small bit where I can help. ;)

And the manpage for chattr doesn't explain what should happen if a file
with the 's' attrribute is changed. A reasonable answer to that is that
the old contents, if not changed by overwriting them, should be
deleted/zeroed too.


Alexander Holler

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