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SubjectRe: [PATCH v2] clocksource: arch_timer: Allow the device tree to specify the physical timer
On 09/12/14 05:14, Marc Zyngier wrote:
> Hi Christopher,
> On 12/09/14 12:43, Christopher Covington wrote:
>> Hi Marc,
>> On 09/11/2014 01:43 PM, Marc Zyngier wrote:
>>> On 11/09/14 18:29, Doug Anderson wrote:
>>>> I did this in the past (again, see Sonny's thread), but didn't
>>>> consider myself knowledgeable to know if that was truly a good test:
>>>> asm volatile("mrc p15, 0, %0, c1, c1, 0" : "=r" (val));
>>>> pr_info("DOUG: val is %#010x", val);
>>>> val |= (1 << 2);
>>>> asm volatile("mcr p15, 0, %0, c1, c1, 0" : : "r" (val));
>>>> val = 0xffffffff;
>>>> asm volatile("mrc p15, 0, %0, c1, c1, 0" : "=r" (val));
>>>> pr_info("DOUG: val is %#010x", val);
>>>> The idea being that if you can make modifications to the SCR register
>>>> (and see your changes take effect) then you must be in secure mode.
>>>> In my case the first printout was 0x0 and the second was 0x4.
>>> The main issue is when you're *not* in secure mode. It is likely that
>>> this will explode badly. This is why I suggested something that is set
>>> by the bootloader (after all. it knows which mode it is booted in), and
>>> that the timer driver can use when the CPU comes up.
>> What exactly does "exploding badly" look like? Causing and undefined
>> instruction exception? That's just a branch with a mode switch. Any reason the
>> code couldn't deal with that or even use that to its advantage?
> We surely can handle the UNDEF and do something there. We just can't do
> it the way Doug described it above.

I suggested doing that for something else a while ago and Will and Dave
we're not thrilled[1]. The suggestion back then was to use DT to
indicate what mode the kernel is running in.


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