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SubjectRe: [PATCH v8 08/10] x86, mpx: add prctl commands PR_MPX_REGISTER, PR_MPX_UNREGISTER
On Fri, 12 Sep 2014, Dave Hansen wrote:
> On 09/12/2014 01:11 AM, Thomas Gleixner wrote:
> > So what you are saying is, that if user space sets the pointer to NULL
> > via the unregister prctl, kernel can safely ignore vmas which have the
> > VM_MPX flag set. I really can't follow that logic.
> >
> > mmap_mpx();
> > prctl(enable mpx);
> > do lots of crap which uses mpx;
> > prctl(disable mpx);
> >
> > So after that point the previous use of MPX is irrelevant, just
> > because we set a pointer to NULL? Does it just look like crap because
> > I do not get the big picture how all of this is supposed to work?
> The prctl(register) is meant to be a signal from userspace to the kernel
> to say, "I would like your help in managing these bounds tables".
> prctl(unregister) is the opposite, meaning "I don't want your help any
> more".

Fine, but that's a totally different story. I can see the usefulness
of this, but then it's a complete misnomer. It should be:


So this wants to be a boolean value and not some random user space
address collected at some random point and then ignored until you do
the magic cleanup. See the other reply.

> If userspace uses MPX, it does not necessarily want the kernel to do
> bounds table management all the time (or ever in some cases). Without
> the prctl(), the kernel has no way of distinguishing what userspace wants.

Fine with me, but it needs to be done proper. And proper means: ON/OFF

The kernel has to handle the information for which context it
allocated stuff and then tear it down when the context goes
away. Relying on a user space address sampled at some random prctl
point is just stupid.

> > And then you need another bunch of logic in the prctl(disable mpx)
> > path to cleanup the mess instead of just setting a random pointer to
> > NULL.
> The bounds tables potentially represent a *lot* of state. If userspace
> wants to temporarily turn off the kernel's MPX bounds table management,
> it does not necessarily want that state destroyed. On the other hand,
> if userspace feels the need to go destroying all the state, it is free
> to do so and does not need any help to do so from the kernel.

Fine with me, but the above still stands.



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