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SubjectRe: [PATCH 1/2] serial: core: Don't drop DTR if system console
On 06/10/2014 07:01 AM, One Thousand Gnomes wrote:
>> This patch only affects the line state if the last tty reference is closed
>> or the tty is hung up by software (like on controlling process exit).
>> In this case, any login session is already dying, and it would not be possible
>> to hijack a live session. A successful re-login is still required.
> It breaks the other direction - yes sorry.
>> Notwithstanding what I wrote above, this patch does change behavior
>> with remote consoles, which may be unacceptable.
>> For example, if the remote user logs out, the current behavior hangs up
>> the modem (if HUPCL), whereas the patch behavior just presents a new
>> login prompt.
> which means the modem will probably no longer answer calls.

I would expect the vast majority of modems to be configured to hang-up
after carrier loss (when the remote user hangs up).

I think the more significant impact is that killing the login process
(by the sysadmin) wouldn't disconnect a malicious user (but would still
force the re-login). I see this as more nuisance value than any
realistic DoS.

>> So yeah, I agree; this patch should be dropped.
> Possibly we should also fix this the other way in tty_port_shutdown,
> which does wrongly skip dtr/rts handling of consoles.
> As far as I can see providing HUPCL is clear the desired console
> behaviour for most situations with a remote console link is obtained.

I agree that serial core and tty port should handle the console
identically, so if the serial core defaults are the expected behavior,
then, yes, tty_port_shutdown() should not skip dropping dtr/rts.

However, a console on USB tty is much more likely to be local, rather
than remote, so changing dtr/rts handling could impact these setups.

Since the termios c_cflag is inherited from the console, what about adding
new flow control flag decodes to uart_set_options(); eg.,
'r' = CRTSCTS | HUPCL /* existing */
default = !CRTSCTS | HUPCL

Peter Hurley

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