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    SubjectRe: futex(2) man page update help request
    On 5/15/14, 7:14, "Thomas Gleixner" <> wrote:

    Wow Thomas, I planned to do exactly this and you beat me to it. Again.
    Thanks for getting this started.

    Michael, I imagine you want something more condensed, and I'll add to what
    tglx posted (inline below) to try and get you that, but if you have
    questions and need to fill in the gap, the paper I presented at RTLWS11 in
    '09 covers this particularly nasty OPCODE in detail:

    I believe Michael is looking for some higher level documentation, like how
    to use these and what they are intended for. Probably something more like
    Ulrich's Futexes are Tricky paper - but let's start with getting the op
    codes, arguments, and return codes fleshed out.

    For all the PI opcodes, we should probably mention something about the
    futex value scheme (TID), whereas the other opcodes do not require any
    specific value scheme.

    No Owner: 0
    Owner: TID
    Waiters: TID | FUTEX_WAITERS

    This is the relevant section from the referenced paper:

    The PI futex operations diverge from the oth-
    ers in that they impose a policy describing how
    the futex value is to be used. If the lock is un-
    owned, the futex value shall be 0. If owned, it
    shall be the thread id (tid) of the owning thread.
    If there are threads contending for the lock, then
    the FUTEX_WAITERS flag is set. With this policy in
    place, userspace can atomically acquire an unowned
    lock or release an uncontended lock using an atomic
    instruction and their own tid. A non-zero futex
    value will force waiters into the kernel to lock. The
    FUTEX_WAITERS flag forces the owner into the kernel
    to unlock. If the callers are forced into the kernel,
    they then deal directly with an underlying rt_mutex
    which implements the priority inheritance semantics.
    After the rt_mutex is acquired, the futex value is up-
    dated accordingly, before the calling thread returns
    to userspace.

    It is important to note that the kernel will update the futex value prior
    to returning to userspace. Unlike other futex op codes,
    for the implementation of very specific IPC mechanisms).

    > PI aware variant of FUTEX_CMP_REQUEUE. Inner futex at uaddr is
    > a non PI futex. Outer futex to which is requeued is a PI futex
    > at uaddr2.

    Inner/outer terminology applies specifically to the glibc pthread
    condition variable and mutex use case, but is overly specific for the man
    page. Consider:

    PI aware variant for FUTEX_CMP_REQUEUE. Requeue tasks blocked on uaddr via
    FUTEX_WAIT_REQUEUE_PI from a non-PI source futex (uaddr) to a PI target
    futex (uaddr2).

    > The waiters on uaddr must wait in FUTEX_WAIT_REQUEUE_PI.
    > The argument val is contains the number of waiters on uaddr
    > which are immediately woken up. Must be 1 for this opcode.

    Because the point is to avoid the thundering herd in the first place, and
    other nasty little races and faulting corner cases...

    > The timeout argument is abused to transport the number of
    > waiters which are requeued on to the futex at uaddr2. The
    > pointer is typecasted to u32.

    val3 contains the expected value of uaddr (same as

    >Darren, can you fill in the missing details?


    > [EFAULT] Kernel was unable to access the futex value at uaddr
    > or uaddr2
    > [ENOMEM] Kernel could not allocate state
    > [EINVAL] The supplied uaddr/uaddr2 arguments do not point to a
    > valid object, i.e. pointer is not 4 byte aligned
    > [EINVAL] uaddr equal uaddr2. Requeue to same futex.
    > [EINVAL] The kernel detected inconsistent state between the
    > user space state at uaddr and the kernel state,
    > i.e. it detected a waiter which waits in
    > FUTEX_LOCK_PI on uaddr

    instead of FUTEX_WAIT_REQUEUE_PI.

    > [EINVAL] The kernel detected inconsistent state between the
    > user space state at uaddr and the kernel state,
    > i.e. it detected a waiter which waits in
    > FUTEX_WAIT[_BITSET] on uaddr
    > [EINVAL] The kernel detected inconsistent state between the
    > user space state at uaddr2 and the kernel state,
    > i.e. it detected a waiter which waits in
    > FUTEX_WAIT on uaddr2.

    [EINVAL] The kernel detected the FUTEX_CMP_REQUEUE_PI call is
    attempting to requeue a task to a futex other than that
    specified by the matching FUTEX_WAIT_REQUEUE_PI call for
    that task.

    A number of these EINVALs can probably be combined into "Kernel detected
    bad state" as far as the C library is concerned, but we can consolidate
    later. But basically, EINVAL is returned if the non-pi to pi or op pairing
    semantics are violated.

    > [EINVAL] The supplied bitset is zero.

    Bitset doesn't apply to FUTEX_CMP_REQUEUE_PI.

    [EINVAL] nr_wake != 1

    EAGAIN == EWOULDBLOCK. We use each in the kernel, but will just refer to
    them here as EAGAIN.

    > [EAGAIN] uaddr1 readout is not equal the compare value in
    > argument val3
    > [EAGAIN] The futex owner TID of uaddr2 is about to exit, but
    > has not yet handled the internal state cleanup. Try
    > again.
    > [EPERM] Caller is not allowed to attach the waiter to the
    > futex at uaddr2 Can be a legitimate issue or a hint
    > for state corruption in user space
    > [ESRCH] The TID in the user space value at uaddr2 does not exist

    Hrm, I'm missing ESRCH and EPERM in my state diagrams.... put yes, we can
    get ESRCH when looking up PI state, and we can return that from
    futex_requeue.... That needs some time to review...

    I'm not seeing the EPERM path, where is that coming from?

    > [EDEADLOCK] The requeuing of a waiter to the kernel representation
    > of the PI futex at uaddr2 detected a deadlock scenario.
    > [ENOSYS] Not implemented on all architectures and not supported
    > on some CPU variants (runtime detection)

    Return value >= 0 is successful, indicating the number of of tasks
    requeued or woken (3 requeued and 1 woken would return 4).


    Darren Hart Open Source Technology Center Intel Corporation

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