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SubjectRe: [RFC] sched: CPU topology try
On 01/08/2014 04:49 AM, Peter Zijlstra wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 07, 2014 at 03:41:54PM +0000, Morten Rasmussen wrote:
>> I think that could work if we sort of the priority scaling issue that I
>> mentioned before.
> We talked a bit about this on IRC a month or so ago, right? My memories
> from that are that your main complaint is that we don't detect the
> overload scenario right.
> That is; the point at which we should start caring about SMP-nice is
> when all our CPUs are fully occupied, because up to that point we're
> under utilized and work preservation mandates we utilize idle time.
> Currently we detect overload by sg.nr_running >= sg.capacity, which can
> be very misleading because while a cpu might have a task running 'now'
> it might be 99% idle.
> At which point I argued we should change the capacity thing anyhow. Ever
> since the runnable_avg patch set I've been arguing to change that into
> an actual utilization test.
> So I think that if we measure overload by something like >95% utilization
> on the entire group the load scaling again makes perfect sense.

In my old power aware scheduling patchset, I had tried the 95 to 99. But
all those values will lead imbalance when we test while(1) like cases.
like in a 24LCPUs groups, 24*5% > 1. So, finally use 100% as overload
indicator. And in testing 100% works well to find overload since few
system service involved. :)
> Given the 3 task {A,B,C} workload where A and B are niced, to land on a
> symmetric dual CPU system like: {A,B}+{C}, assuming they're all while(1)
> loops :-).
> The harder case is where all 3 tasks are of equal weight; in which case
> fairness would mandate we (slowly) rotate the tasks such that they all
> get 2/3 time -- we also horribly fail at this :-)


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