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SubjectRe: [PATCH] Perf: Correct Assumptions about Sample Timestamps in Passes
On 1/4/14, 8:05 AM, Frederic Weisbecker wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 03, 2014 at 03:45:36PM -0700, David Ahern wrote:
>> On 1/3/14, 3:07 PM, Frederic Weisbecker wrote:
>>> I'm not sure I understand why we need that. Why doesn't it work by simply flushing
>>> events prior to the earliest timestamp among every CPUs last event?
>> Here's one scenario. Consider N-mmaps:
>> |----- t_flush
>> v
>> 0 -----|---x------------------------
>> 1 -----|----|------------------------
>> ... |
>> N -----|-------ssss-|-----------------
>> t_start t_1 ... t_N
>> You start a round at some time -- t_start. By starting a round it
>> means you go to mmap 0 and check for events, then mmap 1, ..., mmap
>> N. It takes a finite amount of time to move from one mmap to
>> another.
>> Assume there are no events on mmap 0, 1, ... N-1 but samples are
>> generated in mmap N. In the time it takes to move forward from 0 to
>> N, a sample can be generated for mmap 0 and written to the buffer -
>> the 'x' above. It now contains a timestamp < than samples on any
>> other mmap and out pops the flush error.
> Lets reformulate as following. I'm copy-pasting the example in session.c
> but adapting it to your scenario.
> * ============ PASS n =================
> * CPU 0 | CPU 1
> * |
> * - | 2
> * - | 3
> * - | 4 <--- max recorded
> *
> * ============ PASS n + 1 ==============
> * CPU 0 | CPU 1
> * |
> * 1 | 5
> * - | 6
> * - | 7 <---- max recorded
> *
> * Flush every events below timestamp 4
> *
> So in the first round, CPU 0 has no event by the time we read it. Then while
> we read the events from CPU 1 (val 2,3,4), a new one comes in concurrently
> in CPU 0 (val 1, which matches 's' in your example ). We missed it due to the
> linear mmap read on all buffers so we'll get it on the second round.
> We find it out in the second round, CPU 1 has also new events. At this time we know that
> if CPU 0 had events up to timestamp 4, we should have seen all of them because
> we read CPU 0 buffer in PASS n + 1 after we read CPU 1 buffer on PASS n.
> Of course that's what happens in a perfect world with the assumption that ordering
> is all correct, that events write/commit doesn't take too much time to complete,
> that perf_clock() is globally monotonic (and it's not IIUC). But a little heuristical
> correction on the timestamp barrier should prevent from issues with that.
> So this is how the code behaves currently and it should handle a case like above.

The existing code does not work. Your unstable tsc patch did not work. I
have not tried Joseph's patch. Are you proposing that one or do you have
something else in mind?

> Now there is still the problem of:
> 1) local timestamps not moving forward (could it happen when events happen in storm,
> when they overflow multiple times in once for example, and clock is not granular
> enough?)

Even at 650k events/sec I am not seeing this problem.

> Anyway this should be solved with the patch that takes the earliest last event on all
> CPU buffer instead of the maximum of a round as a barrier.
> 2) local timestamps not monotonic due to interrupting events. This could be fixed
> in the kernel with moving perf_clock() snapshot in perf_output_sample().

For perf-kvm the events are all tracepoints, so there should not be a
problem of overlap due to interruption.


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