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SubjectRe: [PATCH 0/6] ipc/sem.c: performance improvements, FIFO
On Sat, 2013-06-15 at 07:48 +0200, Mike Galbraith wrote: 
> On Sat, 2013-06-15 at 07:27 +0200, Manfred Spraul wrote:
> > Assume there is one op (semctl(), whatever) that acquires the global
> > lock - and a continuous stream of simple ops.
> > - spin_is_locked() returns true due to the semctl().
> > - then simple ops will switch to spin_lock(&sma->sem_perm.lock).
> > - since the spinlock is acquired, the next operation will get true from
> > spin_is_locked().
> >
> > It will stay that way around - as long as there is at least one op
> > waiting for sma->sem_perm.lock.
> > With enough cpus, it will stay like this forever.
> Yup, pondered that yesterday, scratching my head over how to do better.
> Hints highly welcome. Maybe if I figure out how to scratch dual lock
> thingy properly for -rt, non-rt will start acting sane too, as that spot
> seems to be itchy in both kernels.

Gee, just trying to flip back to a single semaphore lock mode if you had
to do the global wait thing fixed up -rt. 10 consecutive sem-waitzero 5
8 64 runs with the 3.8-rt9 kernel went like so, which is one hell of an

Result matrix:
Thread 0: 20209311
Thread 1: 20255372
Thread 2: 20082611
Thread 61: 20162924
Thread 62: 20048995
Thread 63: 20142689

I must have screwed up something :)

static inline int sem_lock(struct sem_array *sma, struct sembuf *sops,
int nsops)
struct sem *sem;
int locknum;

if (nsops == 1 && !sma->complex_count) {
sem = sma->sem_base + sops->sem_num;

* Another process is holding the global lock on the
* sem_array; we cannot enter our critical section,
* but have to wait for the global lock to be released.
if (unlikely(spin_is_locked(&sma->sem_perm.lock))) {
if (sma->complex_count)
goto wait_array;

* Acquiring our sem->lock under the global lock
* forces new complex operations to wait for us
* to exit our critical section.
} else {
/* Lock just the semaphore we are interested in. */

* If sma->complex_count was set prior to acquisition,
* we must fall back to the global array lock.
if (unlikely(sma->complex_count)) {
goto lock_array;

locknum = sops->sem_num;
} else {
int i;
* Lock the semaphore array, and wait for all of the
* individual semaphore locks to go away. The code
* above ensures no new single-lock holders will enter
* their critical section while the array lock is held.
for (i = 0; i < sma->sem_nsems; i++) {
sem = sma->sem_base + i;
if (spin_is_locked(&sem->lock))
locknum = -1;

if (nsops == 1 && !sma->complex_count) {
sem = sma->sem_base + sops->sem_num;
locknum = sops->sem_num;
return locknum;

Not very pretty, but it works markedly better.

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  Last update: 2013-06-15 09:41    [W:0.054 / U:0.652 seconds]
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