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SubjectRe: [PATCH v3 08/36] mtd: devices: Provide header for shared OPCODEs and SFDP commands
On 12/10/2013 10:23 PM, Brian Norris wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 10, 2013 at 01:48:49PM -0800, Brian Norris wrote:
>> It doesn't look to me like the dual/quad bitfields are laid out very
>> usefully. Can't they be divided so that their bit position is more
>> meaningful?
> I realized you are packing these tight because you're using them as
> combinable (bitwise OR) flags (hence the name FLASH_FLAG_*, duh!). So
> while my scheme is nicer for representing a single opcode w.r.t.
> controller requirements, it is not able to represent the exact opcodes
> supported by a particular flash. Hence, this is not the right place for
> it.

There is certainly scope to compact the opcode representation...

> But I don't want to imitate your flags in any generic framework; we need
> a method (that doesn't involve too many extra tables like in your
> driver; or that supports these tables generically, to share with other
> drivers) to map the "supported opcodes" flags to useful properties that
> the controller/driver can examine.

I believe a key function of any spi-nor framework should be to determine which
fundamental modes of operation are supported by the device (e.g. READ_1_1_2,
READ_1_2_2, READ_1_1_4, READ_1_4_4 etc) and how they are driven (i.e. opcode,
number of mode bits, number of dummy cycles). A second stage would be to
configure the best read, write, erase configurations based on the combined
capabilities of the device and the H/W controller.

However, it is not obvious how best to achieve this functionality. Given the
amount of information that needs to be represented, a static table is not going
to be popular. The current approach in st_spi_fsm assumes some default
configurations for supported modes, with the option to override with
device/family-specific configurations. To be honest, it is rather ugly, and the
result of historic evolutions rather than a clean design!

> Is it possible, for instance, to describe a range of opcodes supported
> using patterns? Like "this flash supports opcodes for 1-4 data pins and
> 1-2 address pins"? Or am I being too idealistic, and most flash really
> support a totally arbitrary combination of opcodes?

Yes, I am afraid so. For example, the mx25l12836e supports READ_1_1_2(0x3b) and
READ_1_1_4(0x6b), whereas the mx25l12845e supports READ_1_2_2(0xbb) and



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