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SubjectRE: [PATCH] Make efi-pstore return a unique id
> How does efivars backend handle "unlink(2)" in the pstore file system.
> pstore will call the backend->erase function passing the "id". The
> backend should then erase the right record from persistent storage.
> With the ((timestamp * 100 + part) * 100 + count function - you can
> easily reverse it to find timestamp, part and count - would that make life
> easier for the backend to find the record to be erased? If you use a
> hash function you will need to check each record and compute the
> hash to see if it matches (probably not a big deal because the backend
> will generally only hold a handful of records).

By generating the id in efi_pstore_write(), and using it to a variable name,
It works at an erasing time as well.

The root cause of this problem is that efivars used "part" as id.
It was a wrong way. So, we should not keep it.


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  Last update: 2013-11-02 14:01    [W:0.067 / U:0.740 seconds]
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