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SubjectRe: [PATCH] uprobes: Add uprobe_task->dup_work/dup_addr
(2013/11/09 4:00), Oleg Nesterov wrote:
> uprobe_task->vaddr is a bit strange. First of all it is not really
> needed, we can move it into arch_uprobe_task. The generic code uses
> it only to pass the additional argument to arch_uprobe_pre_xol(),
> and since it is always equal to instruction_pointer() this looks
> even more strange.
> And both utask->vaddr and and utask->autask have the same scope,
> they only have the meaning when the task executes the probed insn
> out-of-line. This means it is safe to reuse both in UTASK_RUNNING
> state.
> OTOH, it is also used by uprobe_copy_process() and dup_xol_work()
> for another purpose, this doesn't look clean and doesn't allow to
> move this member into arch_uprobe_task.
> This patch adds the union with 2 anonymous structs into uprobe_task.
> The first struct is autask + vaddr, this way we "almost" move vaddr
> into autask.
> The second struct has 2 new members for uprobe_copy_process() paths:
> ->dup_addr which can be used instead ->vaddr, and ->dup_work which
> can be used to avoid kmalloc() and simplify the code.

Hmm, I'm not so sure about uprobes implementation so deeply.
Is there no possibility to run xol preparing code (e.g. adding
new uprobe?) between the task_work_add() and task_work_run()?

> Note that this union will likely have another member(s), we need
> something like "private_data_for_handlers" so that the tracing
> handlers could use it to communicate with call_fetch() methods.

If those data structures are small, I think we don't need to
use such union...

Thank you,

IT Management Research Dept. Linux Technology Center
Hitachi, Ltd., Yokohama Research Laboratory

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