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SubjectRe: [PATCH v2] Input: synaptics - use firmware data for Cr-48
On 07/18/2012 03:22 AM, Chung-yih Wang wrote:
> The profile sensor clickpad in a Cr-48 Chromebook does a reasonable job of
> tracking individual fingers. This tracking isn't perfect, but, experiments
> show that it works better than just passing "semi-mt" data to userspace,
> and making userspace try to deduce where the fingers are given a bounding box.
> This patch tries to report correct two-finger positions instead of the
> {(min_x, min_y), (max_x, max_y)} for profile sensor clickpads on Cr-48
> chromebooks. Note that this device's firmware always reports the higher
> (smaller y) finger in the "sgm" packet, and the lower (larger y) finger in the
> "agm" packet. Thus, when a new finger arrives on the pad, the kernel driver
> uses a simple Euclidean distance measure to deduce which of the two new fingers
> should keep the tracking ID of the previous single finger. Similarly, when one
> finger is removed, the same measure is used to determine which finger remained
> on the pad.

Can it keep track of the touches as you rotate them past each other in
both the X and Y axes? If not, then it should remain a semi-mt device.
Even if you can guess which touch is which when a second touch is added,
you will lose track of it when the user attempts to perform a rotation.

Semi-mt is our only mechanism for telling userspace that the device
can't accurately tell us about rotations. We could create a new device
property to say: "This device kinda sorta tells us enough info usually
to know where two touches are initially." I don't think the effort is
worth it though. What is the point of providing the exact locations on a
trackpad if they can't be used for rotation?

-- Chase

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  Last update: 2012-07-18 18:21    [W:0.083 / U:0.248 seconds]
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