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SubjectRe: [PATCH 05/16] sched: SCHED_DEADLINE policy implementation.
On 04/24/2012 12:13 AM, Tommaso Cucinotta wrote:
> Il 23/04/2012 17:41, Juri Lelli ha scritto:
>> The user could call __setparam_dl on a throttled task through
>> __sched_setscheduler.
> in case it can be related: a scenario that used to break isolation
> (in the old aquosa crap): 1) create a deadline task 2) (actively)
> wait till it's just about to be throttled 3) remove reservation
> (i.e., return the task to the normal system policy and destroy
> reservation info in the kernel) 4) reserve it again

Yes, this is very similar to what I thought just after I've sent the
email (ouch! :-)).

> Assuming the borderline condition of a nearly fully saturated system,
> if 3)-4) manage to happen sufficiently close to each other and right
> after 2), now the task budget is refilled with a deadline which is
> where it should not be, according to the admission control rules. In
> other words, we may break guarantees of other tasks by a properly
> misbehaving task. Something relevant when considering misbehaviour
> and admission control from a security perspective [1].

Thanks for the ref., I'll read it!

> At that time, I was persuaded that the right way to avoid this would
> be to avoid to free system cpu bw immediately when a reservation is
> destroyed, but rather wait till its current abs deadline, then "free"
> the bandwidth. A new task trying to re-create the reservation too
> early, i.e., at step 4) above, would be rejected by the system as it
> would still see a fully occupied cpu bw. Never implemented of course
> :-)...

A kind of "two steps" approach. It would work, I just have to think how
to implement it (and let the system survive ;-)). Then create some
bench to test it.

> And also, from a security perspective, a misbehaving (sched_other)
> task might thrash the system with useless nansosleeps forcing the OS
> to continuously schedule/deschedule it. Equivalently, with a deadline
> scheduler, you could try to set a very small period/deadline. That's
> why in [1], among the configurable variables, there was a minimum
> allowed reservation period.

Yes, this should be easily controlled at admission time.

> Nothing really urgent, just something you might want to keep in mind
> for the future, I thought.

Well, depends on how much effort will this turn to require. I personally
would prefer to be able to come out with a new release ASAP. Just to
continue the discussion with the most of the comments addressed and a
more updated code (I also have a mainline version of the patchset
quite ready).

Thanks a lot,

- Juri

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