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SubjectRe: [PATCH 22/25] Generic dynamic per cpu refcounting
> The trick is that we don't watch for the refcount hitting 0 until we're
> shutting down - so this only works if you keep track of your initial
> refcount. As long as we're not shutting down, we know the refcount can't
> hit 0 because we haven't released the initial refcount.

This seems dangerous to me: assume you have one CPU which always
does get and another does put. So there may be 2^32 such operations
without a kill and you wrap for real in a way that does not get

Normally this can only happen if you have a lot of objects or CPUs
are limited.

But you don't have any limit on getting out-of-sync.

You could make it 64bit, but then wraps could happen.


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  Last update: 2012-11-29 21:01    [W:1.294 / U:0.016 seconds]
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