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    SubjectRe: [PATCH 1/8] drivers/random: Cache align ip_random better
    > I'm intrigued: please educate me.  On what architectures does cache-
    > aligning a 48-byte buffer (previously offset by 4 bytes) speed up
    > copying from it, and why? Does the copying involve 8-byte or 16-byte
    > instructions that benefit from that alignment, rather than cacheline
    > alignment?

    I had two thoughts in my head when I wrote that:
    1) A smart compiler could note the alignment and issue wider copy
    instructions. (Especially on alignment-required architectures.)
    2) The cacheline fetch would get more data faster. The data would
    be transferred in the first 6 beats of the load from RAM (assuming a
    64-bit data bus) rather than waiting for 7, so you'd finish the copy
    1 ns sooner or so. Similar 1-cycle win on a 128-bit Ln->L(n-1) cache

    As I said, "infinitesimal". The main reason that I bothered to
    generate a patch was that it appealed to my sense of neatness to
    keep the 3x16-byte buffer 16-byte aligned.

     \ /
      Last update: 2011-03-16 19:13    [W:4.654 / U:0.332 seconds]
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