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    SubjectRe: RFC: Platform data for onboard USB assets
    On Friday 11 March 2011, Roger Quadros wrote:
    > > There is no reason I can see that onboard USB assets should continue to
    > > be treated differently to miss out on the same capability because they
    > > are USB and not I2C, particularly as a permanently NULL platform_data
    > > pointer is already sitting there in the usb_device's .dev already
    > > exactly for this use.
    > What do you want to set in platform data? the ethernet device name?
    > Isn't that better done in user space using udev rules?

    A udev rule would solve the problem at hand, but I'd consider that
    an ugly workaround as well. The naming in the kernel is really
    bogus -- any USB device that has a fixed address gets treated
    as eth0, while others become usb0, with the same driver,
    see the code fragment below.

    A lot of things depend on ethernet device naming, which you
    may consider to be broken, but it won't change any time soon.
    Changing all of them to be named eth%d would of course break
    other tools, so that is not an option either.

    The most simple way to solve this particular problem is to
    remove the check for "net->dev_addr [0] & 0x02", which only
    has any effect on the smsc75xx and smsc95xx drivers, both of
    which are for real ethernet devices, not point-to-point
    USB links.

    That would however still leave the problem of the missing
    mac address, which is not good if you want to work with the
    system using dhcp.

    strcpy (net->name, "usb%d");
    // heuristic: "usb%d" for links we know are two-host,
    // else "eth%d" when there's reasonable doubt. userspace
    // can rename the link if it knows better.
    if ((dev->driver_info->flags & FLAG_ETHER) != 0 &&
    (net->dev_addr [0] & 0x02) == 0)
    strcpy (net->name, "eth%d");
    /* WLAN devices should always be named "wlan%d" */
    if ((dev->driver_info->flags & FLAG_WLAN) != 0)
    strcpy(net->name, "wlan%d");
    /* WWAN devices should always be named "wwan%d" */
    if ((dev->driver_info->flags & FLAG_WWAN) != 0)
    strcpy(net->name, "wwan%d");

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      Last update: 2011-03-11 16:25    [W:4.381 / U:0.436 seconds]
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