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SubjectRe: Serious problem with ticket spinlocks on ia64
On Friday 03 of September 2010 11:04:37 Petr Tesarik wrote:
> [...]
> I'm now trying to modify the lock primitives:
> 1. replace the fetchadd4.acq with looping over cmpxchg

I did this and I feel dumber than ever. Basically, I replaced this snippet:

ticket = ia64_fetchadd(1, p, acq);


int tmp;
do {
ticket = ACCESS_ONCE(lock->lock);
asm volatile (
"mov ar.ccv=%1\n"
"add %0=1,%1;;\n"
"cmpxchg4.acq %0=[%2],%0,ar.ccv\n"
: "=r" (tmp)
: "r" (ticket), "r" (&lock->lock)
: "ar.ccv");
} while (tmp != ticket);

Just to make sure I didn't miss something, this compiled to:

0xa0000001008dacb0: [MMI] nop.m 0x0
0xa0000001008dacb1: ld4.acq r15=[r32]
0xa0000001008dacb2: nop.i 0x0;;
0xa0000001008dacc0: [MII] mov.m ar.ccv=r15
0xa0000001008dacc1: adds r14=1,r15;;
0xa0000001008dacc2: nop.i 0x0
0xa0000001008dacd0: [MII] cmpxchg4.acq r14=[r32],r14,ar.ccv
0xa0000001008dacd1: nop.i 0x0
0xa0000001008dacd2: nop.i 0x0;;
0xa0000001008dace0: [MIB] nop.m 0x0
0xa0000001008dace1: cmp4.eq p7,p6=r14,r15
0xa0000001008dace2: (p06) br.cond.dptk.few 0xa0000001008dacb0

My test module recorded the following sequence on the failing CPU:

}, {
ip = 0xa00000010012f7b0,
addr = 0xe000000181925c08,
oldvalue = 0xffff0000,
newvalue = 0x0,
task = 0xe000000186930000
}, {
ip = 0xa0000001008dacd0,
addr = 0xe000000181925c08,
oldvalue = 0x0,
newvalue = 0x0,
task = 0xe000000186930000
}, {
ip = 0xa0000001008dacd0,
addr = 0xe000000181925c08,
oldvalue = 0x1,
newvalue = 0x0,
task = 0xe000000186930000
}, {
ip = 0xa0000001008dacd0,
addr = 0xe000000181925c08,
oldvalue = 0x1,
newvalue = 0x0,
task = 0xe000000186930000
}, {
ip = 0xa0000001008dacd0,
addr = 0xe000000181925c08,
oldvalue = 0x0,
newvalue = 0x0,
task = 0xe000000186930000
}, {
ip = 0xa0000001008dacd0,
addr = 0xe000000181925c08,
oldvalue = 0x1,
newvalue = 0x1,
task = 0xe000000186930000
}, {

I didn't see values around zero on any other CPU in the system. So, either
there is something seriously broken in hardware, or I made a silly mistake in
the monitoring code.

I'm attaching my SystemTap script. I know it's hacky, but it worked for me.

Oh, I had to make two modification to the running kernel:

1. in ia64_fault()
By default the value of cr.ifa is not passed to the die notifiers, so I
(mis)used the ar_ssd field to store the ifa before calling notify_die() for
the debug faults.

2. in ivt.S
On all interrupt entries I added code similar to this (just using different
registers if appropriate):

movl r3 = (1 << 24)
mov r15 = psr
or r3 = r3,r15
mov psr.l = r3

Am I blind and did I do something obviously wrong?

Petr Tesarik
/* Watch the spin lock for changes */

#include <linux/kdebug.h>
#include <asm/kregs.h>
#include <asm/hw_irq.h>

static void
init_and_panic(const char *msg)
unsigned int cpu, self_cpu;
self_cpu = smp_processor_id();
if (cpu != self_cpu)
platform_send_ipi(cpu, 0, IA64_IPI_DM_INIT, 0);


static inline unsigned long
get_siglock(unsigned long addr)
unsigned long ret;

asm volatile ("ld4.acq %0=[%1]\n" : "=r" (ret) : "r" (addr));
return ret;

struct fault_info {
unsigned long ip, addr;
unsigned long oldvalue, newvalue;
struct task_struct *task;

#define DBR_COUNT 4

static DEFINE_SPINLOCK(dbr_lock);
static unsigned long dbr[DBR_COUNT];

#define HISTORY_SIZE 256

static DEFINE_PER_CPU(struct fault_info[HISTORY_SIZE], siglock_history);
static DEFINE_PER_CPU(unsigned int, siglock_history_idx);

static unsigned long
record_oldsiglock(struct pt_regs *regs, unsigned long addr)
unsigned int *idx = &get_cpu_var(siglock_history_idx);
struct fault_info *info = &get_cpu_var(siglock_history)[*idx];
unsigned long oldval;

info->ip = regs->cr_iip;
info->addr = addr;
info->oldvalue = oldval = get_siglock(info->addr);
info->task = current;

*idx = (*idx + 1) % HISTORY_SIZE;

return oldval;

static unsigned long
record_newsiglock(struct pt_regs *regs)
unsigned int idx = (get_cpu_var(siglock_history_idx) - 1) % HISTORY_SIZE;
struct fault_info *info = &get_cpu_var(siglock_history)[idx];
unsigned long newval;

BUG_ON(info->task != current);
info->newvalue = newval = get_siglock(info->addr);


return newval;

#define TICKET_SHIFT 17
#define TICKET_BITS 15
#define TICKET_MASK ((1 << TICKET_BITS) - 1)

static int
unsigned int previdx;
struct fault_info *info;
long prevhead, curhead;
long prevtail, curtail;

previdx = (get_cpu_var(siglock_history_idx) - 1) % HISTORY_SIZE;

info = get_cpu_var(siglock_history);
prevhead = info[previdx].oldvalue & TICKET_MASK;
curhead = info[previdx].newvalue & TICKET_MASK;
prevtail = (info[previdx].oldvalue >> TICKET_SHIFT) & TICKET_MASK;
curtail = (info[previdx].newvalue >> TICKET_SHIFT) & TICKET_MASK;

if (curtail == prevtail &&
(((curhead - prevhead) & TICKET_MASK) == 0 ||
((curhead - prevhead) & TICKET_MASK) >= (1 << 14)))
return 1;

return 0;

static unsigned long
get_gr(struct pt_regs *regs, int num)
switch(num) {
case 1:
return regs->r1;
case 2 ... 3:
return (&regs->r2)[num - 2];
case 4:
register unsigned long r4 asm("r4");
return r4;
case 5:
register unsigned long r5 asm("r5");
return r5;
case 6:
register unsigned long r6 asm("r6");
return r6;
case 7:
register unsigned long r7 asm("r7");
return r7;
case 8 ... 11:
return (&regs->r8)[num - 8];
case 12 ... 13:
case 15:
return (&regs->r12)[num - 12];
case 14:
return regs->r14;
case 16 ... 31:
return (&regs->r16)[num - 16];
case 32 ... 127:
/* Too lazy to write code to access the backing store.
Just let debug_notify() ignore this access */
return regs->ar_ccv ^ 1;

static int
should_modify(struct pt_regs *regs)
unsigned long opcode;
long regnum;

/* Check if this is a cmpxchg4 instruction */
/* This is a HACK and only works for our special case */
opcode = *(unsigned long*)regs->cr_iip;
if ((opcode & 0x3fd900000003UL) != 0x101100000001UL)
return 1;

/* Extract the target register number */
regnum = (opcode >> 11) & 0x7f;

/* Check whether the compare was successful (the register
value is equal to ar.ccv */
return get_gr(regs, regnum) == regs->ar_ccv;

static int
debug_notify(struct notifier_block *self, unsigned long val, void *data)
struct die_args *args = (struct die_args *)data;
struct pt_regs *regs = args->regs;
unsigned long vector = args->err;
unsigned long lockaddr = regs->ar_ssd & ~0x3UL;

if (val != DIE_FAULT)

if (vector == 29) {
unsigned long siglock_value =
record_oldsiglock(regs, lockaddr);

if ((siglock_value & ~1ULL) == 0x40000)
init_and_panic("Spinlock corrupted already!");

regs->cr_ipsr |= IA64_PSR_DD | IA64_PSR_SS;
} else if (vector == 36) {
unsigned long siglock_value = record_newsiglock(regs);

if (should_modify(regs) && goes_wrong())
init_and_panic("Spinlock goes wrong!");
if ((siglock_value & ~1ULL) == 0x40000)
init_and_panic("Caught the corruption!");

regs->cr_ipsr &= ~IA64_PSR_SS;


static struct notifier_block debug_notifier = {
.notifier_call = debug_notify,
.priority = 0x7ffffffe


static void
load_dbr(void *dummy)
unsigned long defmask = (((1UL << 56) - 1) & ~0x3ULL) +
(0xfUL << 56) + /* enable in all privilege levels */
(1UL << 62); /* trigger on write */
int i;

for (i = 0; i < DBR_COUNT; ++i) {
unsigned long mask = dbr[i] ? defmask : 0UL;

asm volatile (
"mov dbr[%0]=%1;;\n"
"mov dbr[%2]=%3;;\n"
: : "r" (2*i), "r" (dbr[i]), "r" (2*i+1), "r" (mask));
asm volatile("srlz.d;;");

function enable_debug ()
CONTEXT->regs->cr_ipsr |= IA64_PSR_DB;

function disable_debug ()
unsigned long flags;
int i;

for (i = 0; i < DBR_COUNT; ++i) {
asm volatile (
"mov dbr[%0]=%1;;\n"
"mov dbr[%2]=%3;;\n"
: : "r" (2*i), "r" (0UL), "r" (2*i+1), "r" (0UL));
asm volatile("srlz.d;;");

CONTEXT->regs->cr_ipsr &= ~IA64_PSR_DB;

function try_add_debug (sighand:long)
struct sighand_struct *sighand =
(struct sighand_struct*)THIS->sighand;
unsigned long lockaddr = (unsigned long) &sighand->siglock;
unsigned long flags;
int i, freeslot;

spin_lock_irqsave(&dbr_lock, flags);

freeslot = -1;
for (i = 0; i < DBR_COUNT; ++i) {
if (dbr[i] == lockaddr)
if (!dbr[i] && freeslot < 0)
freeslot = i;
if (i == DBR_COUNT && freeslot >= 0) {
dbr[freeslot] = lockaddr;
smp_call_function(load_dbr, NULL, 0);

spin_unlock_irqrestore(&dbr_lock, flags);

function try_remove_debug (sighand:long)
struct sighand_struct *sighand =
(struct sighand_struct*)THIS->sighand;
unsigned long lockaddr = (unsigned long) &sighand->siglock;
unsigned long flags;
int i;

/* Racy, but best we can get :( */
if (atomic_read(&sighand->count) > 1)

spin_lock_irqsave(&dbr_lock, flags);

for (i = 0; i < DBR_COUNT; ++i) {
if (dbr[i] == lockaddr)
dbr[i] = 0;

spin_unlock_irqrestore(&dbr_lock, flags);

probe syscall.*

#if 0
probe syscall.*.return

probe kernel.function("schedule").return
enable_debug ();

function is_our_task (task:long)
struct task_struct *tsk = (struct task_struct*)THIS->task;
THIS->__retvalue = !IS_ERR(tsk) && !strcmp(tsk->comm, "count");

probe kernel.function("copy_process").return
if (is_our_task($return))

probe kernel.function("__cleanup_sighand")

function setup_watch ()

function remove_watch ()
memset(dbr, sizeof dbr, 0);
smp_call_function(load_dbr, NULL, 0);

probe begin

probe end, error
 \ /
  Last update: 2010-09-03 16:37    [W:0.081 / U:0.296 seconds]
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