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SubjectRe: [RFC][PATCH] Cross Memory Attach
On Thu, 16 Sep 2010 11:15:10 +0200
Brice Goglin <> wrote:

> Le 16/09/2010 08:32, Brice Goglin a écrit :
> > I am the guy doing KNEM so I can comment on this. The I/OAT part of
> > KNEM was mostly a research topic, it's mostly useless on current
> > machines since the memcpy performance is much larger than I/OAT DMA
> > Engine. We also have an offload model with a kernel thread, but it
> > wasn't used a lot so far. These features can be ignored for the
> > current discussion.
> I've just created a knem branch where I removed all the above, and
> some other stuff that are not necessary for normal users. So it just
> contains the region management code and two commands to copy between
> regions or between a region and some local iovecs.

When I did the original hpcc runs for CMA vs shared mem double copy I
also did some KNEM runs as a bit of a sanity check. The CMA OpenMPI
implementation actually uses the infrastructure KNEM put into the
OpenMPI shared mem btl - thanks for that btw it made things much easier
for me to test CMA.

Interestingly although KNEM and CMA fundamentally are doing very
similar things, at least with hpcc I didn't see as much of a gain with
KNEM as with CMA:

Naturally Ordered 4 8 16 32
Base 1235 935 622 419
CMA 4741 3769 1977 703
KNEM 3362 3091 1857 681

Randomly Ordered 4 8 16 32
Base 1227 947 638 412
CMA 4666 3682 1978 710
KNEM 3348 3050 1883 684

Max Ping Pong 4 8 16 32
Base 2028 1938 1928 1882
CMA 7424 7510 7598 7708
KNEM 5661 5476 6050 6290

I don't know the reason behind the difference - if its something
perculiar to hpcc, or if there's extra overhead the way that
knem does setup for copying, or if knem wasn't configured
optimally. I haven't done any comparison IMB or NPB runs...

syscall and setup overhead does have some measurable effect - although I
don't have the numbers for it here, neither KNEM nor CMA does quite as
well with hpcc when compared against a hacked version of hpcc where
everything is declared ahead of time as shared memory so the receiver
can just do a single copy from userspace - which I think is
representative of a theoretical maximum gain from the single copy

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