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SubjectRe: [PATCH] kvm cleanup: Introduce sibling_pte and do cleanup for reverse map and parent_pte
  On 08/03/2010 05:30 AM, Lai Jiangshan wrote:
> This patch is just a big cleanup. it reduces 220 lines of code.
> It introduces sibling_pte array for tracking identical sptes, so the
> identical sptes can be linked as a single linked list by their
> corresponding sibling_pte. A reverse map or a parent_pte points at
> the head of this single linked list. So we can do cleanup for
> reverse map and parent_pte VERY LARGELY.
> BAD:
> If most rmap have only one entry or most sp have only one parent,
> this patch may use more memory than before.

That is the case with NPT and EPT. Each page has exactly one spte
(except a few vga pages), and each sp has exactly one parent_pte (except
the root pages).

> 1) Reduce a lot of code, The functions which are in hot path becomes
> very very simple and terrifically fast.
> 2) rmap_next(): O(N) -> O(1). traveling a ramp: O(N*N) -> O(N)

The existing rmap_next() is not O(N), it's O(RMAP_EXT), which is 4. The
data structure was chosen over a simple linked list to avoid extra cache

> 3) Remove the ugly interlayer: struct kvm_rmap_desc, struct kvm_pte_chain

kvm_rmap_desc and kvm_pte_chain are indeed ugly, but they do save a lot
of memory and cache misses.

> 4) We don't need to allocate any thing when we change the mappings.
> So we can avoid allocation when we have held kvm mmu spin lock.
> (this feature is very helpful in future).
> 5) better readability.

I agree the new code is more readable. Unfortunately it uses more
memory and is likely to be slower. You add a cache miss for every spte,
while kvm_rmap_desc amortizes the cache miss among 4 sptes, and special
cases 1 spte to have no cache misses (or extra memory requirements).

I have a truly marvellous patch that fixes the bug which this
signature is too narrow to contain.

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  Last update: 2010-08-03 08:53    [W:0.041 / U:0.068 seconds]
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