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Subject[PATCH V2] scripts/ partial "kernel style" pretty-printing
On Wed, 2010-03-10 at 02:22 +0100, Frans Pop wrote:
> Joe Perches wrote:
> > The article recommends running checkpatch and fixing the various
> > non-conforming style elements the output produces.
> Hmm. I thought that "style cleanup only" patches were generally frowned
> upon?

Maybe so.
This article seemed geared to drivers/staging but it wasn't obvious.

> Maybe I missed it, but you should certainly add removal of trailing space.
> And possibly remove spaces before the closing ";" after statements.

OK, I can add that.

> Maybe the script should print a large warning (unless -q is used?) that all
> changes should be carefully reviewed manually and not combined with
> functional changes, and have a pointer to Documentation/SubmittingPatches?

> I wonder what traffic the advice to mail lkml when "I have a line of code
> that's over 80 chars" is going to generate...

I think "get a life" was one, "come on" another.

Here's a new version that does individual style changes including
the trim and ; you suggested.

Trivial source file reformatter.

Changes a few things to be more kernel style

Optionally convert any or all of:

Convert printk(KERN_<level> to pr_<level>(
Coalesces long format strings
Removes unnecessary parentheses from return
Add space after if, for and while
Convert "for (foo;bar;baz)" to "for (foo; bar; baz)"
Removes multiple semicolons
Convert leading spaces to tabs
Trims trailing whitespace
Moves labels to column 1

Signed-off-by: Joe Perches <>
scripts/ | 254 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 files changed, 254 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..fba6a9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# Change some style elements of a source file.
+# An imperfect source code reformatter.
+# Might make trivial patches a bit easier.
+# usage: perl scripts/ <files>
+# Licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL License version 2
+use strict;
+use Getopt::Long qw(:config no_auto_abbrev);
+my $P = $0;
+my $V = '0.1';
+my $source_indent = 8;
+my $quiet = 0;
+my $overwrite = 0;
+my $modified = 0;
+my $suffix = ".style";
+my $convert_options = "";
+my @avail_options = ("all",
+ "convert_printk_to_pr_level",
+ "coalesce_formats",
+ "convert_leading_spaces_to_tabs",
+ "remove_trailing_whitespace",
+ "deparenthesize_returns",
+ "remove_unnecessary_semicolons",
+ "remove_space_before_quoted_newline",
+ "space_after_KERN_level",
+ "space_after_if_while_for",
+ "space_after_for_semicolons",
+ "move_labels_to_column_1",
+ "remove_whitespace_before_trailing_semicolon",
+ );
+my $version = 0;
+my $help = 0;
+if (!GetOptions(
+ 'source-indent=i' => \$source_indent,
+ 'convert=s' => \$convert_options,
+ 'o|overwrite!' => \$overwrite,
+ 'q|quiet!' => \$quiet,
+ 'v|version' => \$version,
+ 'h|help|usage' => \$help,
+ )) {
+ die "$P: invalid argument - use --help if necessary\n";
+if ($help) {
+ usage();
+ exit 0;
+if ($version) {
+ print "$P: v$V\n";
+ exit 0;
+sub usage {
+ print <<EOT;
+usage: $P [options] <files>
+version: $V
+ print "Available conversions:\n";
+ foreach my $convert (@avail_options) {
+ print "\t$convert\n";
+ }
+ print "\n";
+ print "Use --convert=(comma separated list)\n";
+ print " ie: --convert=convert_printk_to_pr_level,coalesce_formats\n";
+ print <<EOT;
+Input source file descriptions:
+ --source-indent => How many spaces are used for an indent (default: 8)
+Output file:
+ --overwrite => write the changes to the source file
+ --suffix => suffix to append to new file (default: .style)
+Other options:
+ --version => show version
+ --help => show this help information
+sub check_label {
+ my ($leading, $label) = @_;
+ if ($label == "default") {
+ return "$leading$label:";
+ }
+ return "$label:";
+sub check_for {
+ my ($leading, $test1, $test2, $test3) = @_;
+ $test1 =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
+ $test2 =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
+ $test3 =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
+ return "\n${leading}for ($test1; $test2; $test3)";
+sub tabify {
+ my ($leading) = @_;
+ my $max_spaces_before_tab = $source_indent - 1;
+ my $spaces_to_tab = sprintf("%*s", $source_indent, "");
+#convert leading spaces to tabs
+ 1 while $leading =~ s@^([\t]*)$spaces_to_tab@$1\t@g;
+#Remove spaces before a tab
+ 1 while $leading =~ s@^([\t]*)([ ]{1,$max_spaces_before_tab})\t@$1\t@g;
+ return "\n$leading";
+my %hash;
+foreach my $opt (@avail_options) {
+ $hash{$opt} = 0;
+my @actual_options = split(',', $convert_options);
+foreach my $opt (@actual_options) {
+ $hash{$opt} = 1;
+sub test {
+ my ($check) = @_;
+ return 1 if ($convert_options eq "all");
+ return 1 if ($hash{$check});
+ return 0;
+foreach my $file (@ARGV) {
+ my $f;
+ my $text;
+ my $oldtext;
+# read the file
+ open($f, '<', $file)
+ or die "$P: Can't open $file for read\n";
+ $oldtext = do { local($/) ; <$f> };
+ close($f);
+ $text = $oldtext;
+# Convert printk(KERN_<level> to pr_<level>(
+ if (test("convert_printk_to_pr_level")) {
+ $text =~ s@\bprintk\s*\(\s*KERN_(INFO|WARNING|ERR|ALERT|CRIT|EMERG|NOTICE|CONT)\s*@pr_\L$1\(@g;
+ }
+# Coalesce long formats
+ if (test("coalesce_formats")) {
+ 1 while $text =~ s@\b((dev_|pr_|netif_|netdev_)[^;]+)\"\s*\n\s*\"@$1@g;
+ }
+# Remove spaces and tabs before quoted newlines
+ if (test("remove space_before_quoted_newline")) {
+ $text =~ s@(\"[^\"]*)[ \t]+\\n@$1\\n@g;
+ }
+# Add space between KERN_<LEVEL> and open quote
+ if (test("space_after_KERN_level")) {
+ $text =~ s@\bKERN_([A-Z]+)[ \t]*\"@KERN_$1 \"@g;
+ }
+# Remove unnecessary parentheses around return
+ if (test("deparenthesize_returns")) {
+ $text =~ s@\breturn\s+\(([^\)]+)\s*\)\s*;@return $1;@g;
+ }
+# This doesn't work very well, too many comments modified
+# Put labels (but not "default:" on column 1
+ if (test("move_labels_to_column_1")) {
+ $text =~ s@^([ \t]+)([A-Za-z0-9_]+)\s*:[ \t]*:[ \t]*$@check_label($1, $2)@ge;
+ }
+# Add space after (if, for, or while) and open parenthesis
+ if (test("space_after_if_while_for")) {
+ $text =~ s@\b(if|while|for)\(@$1 \(@g;
+ }
+# Convert "for (foo;bar;baz)" to "for (foo; bar; baz)"
+ if (test("space_after_for_semicolons")) {
+ $text =~ s@\n([ \t]+)for\s*\([ \t]*([^;]+);[ \t]*([^;]+);[ \t]*([^\)]+)\)@check_for($1, $2, $3, $4)@ge;
+ }
+# Convert leading spaces to tabs
+ if (test("convert_leading_spaces_to_tabs")) {
+ $text =~ s@\n([ \t]+)@tabify($1)@ge;
+ }
+# Delete trailing whitespace
+ if (test("remove_trailing_whitespace")) {
+ $text =~ s@[ \t]+\n@\n@g;
+ }
+# Remove multiple semicolons at end-of-line
+ if (test("remove_multiple_semicolons")) {
+ $text =~ s@;[ \t]*;[ \t]*\n@;\n@g;
+ }
+# Delete whitespace before trailing semicolon
+ if (test("remove_whitespace_before_trailing_semicolon")) {
+ $text =~ s@[ \t]*;[ \t]*\n@;\n@g;
+ }
+# write the file if something was changed
+ if ($text ne $oldtext) {
+ my $newfile = $file;
+ if (!$overwrite) {
+ $newfile = "$newfile$suffix";
+ }
+ open($f, '>', $newfile)
+ or die "$P: Can't open $newfile for write\n";
+ print $f $text;
+ close($f);
+ if (!$quiet) {
+ if ($overwrite) {
+ print "Converted $file\n";
+ } else {
+ print "Converted $file to $newfile\n";
+ }
+ $modified = 1;
+ }
+ }
+if ($modified && !$quiet) {
+ print <<EOT;
+Warning: these changes may not be correct.
+These changes should be carefully reviewed manually and not combined with
+any functional changes.
+Compile, build and test your changes.
+You should understand and be responsible for all object changes.
+Make sure you read Documentation/SubmittingPatches before sending
+any changes to reviewers, maintainers or mailing lists.

 \ /
  Last update: 2010-03-10 04:27    [W:0.258 / U:0.420 seconds]
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