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Subject[PATCH 2/3] staging: ft1000: Remove unused char dev inerface.
This patch remove lot of code for character device. This
interface was used for getting network informations and
statistics which is currently exported via /proc filesystem.

Signed-off-by: Marek Belisko <>
drivers/staging/ft1000/ft1000-usb/ft1000_chdev.c | 817 ----------------------
drivers/staging/ft1000/ft1000-usb/ft1000_hw.c | 4 -
drivers/staging/ft1000/ft1000-usb/ft1000_usb.c | 1 -
drivers/staging/ft1000/ft1000-usb/ft1000_usb.h | 2 -
4 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 824 deletions(-)

diff --git a/drivers/staging/ft1000/ft1000-usb/ft1000_chdev.c b/drivers/staging/ft1000/ft1000-usb/ft1000_chdev.c
index 197b3fb..0275a08 100644
--- a/drivers/staging/ft1000/ft1000-usb/ft1000_chdev.c
+++ b/drivers/staging/ft1000/ft1000-usb/ft1000_chdev.c
@@ -41,18 +41,9 @@
#include "ft1000_usb.h"
//#include "ft1000_ioctl.h"

-static int ft1000_flarion_cnt = 0;
//need to looking usage of ft1000Handle

-static int ft1000_ChOpen (struct inode *Inode, struct file *File);
-static unsigned int ft1000_ChPoll(struct file *file, poll_table *wait);
-static long ft1000_ChIoctl(struct file *File, unsigned int Command,
- unsigned long Argument);
-static int ft1000_ChRelease (struct inode *Inode, struct file *File);
// Global pointer to device object
-static struct ft1000_device *pdevobj[MAX_NUM_CARDS + 2];
//static devfs_handle_t ft1000Handle[MAX_NUM_CARDS];

// List to free receive command buffer pool
@@ -66,100 +57,6 @@ int numofmsgbuf = 0;
// Global variable to indicate that all provisioning data is sent to DSP
//bool fProvComplete;

-// Table of entry-point routines for char device
-static struct file_operations ft1000fops =
- .unlocked_ioctl = ft1000_ChIoctl,
- .poll = ft1000_ChPoll,
- .open = ft1000_ChOpen,
- .release = ft1000_ChRelease,
- .llseek = no_llseek,
-// Function: exec_mknod
-// Parameters:
-// Returns:
-// Description:
-// Notes:
-static int exec_mknod (void *pdata)
- struct ft1000_info *info;
- char mjnum[4];
- char minornum[4];
- char temp[32];
- int retcode;
-// int i; //aelias [-] reason : unused variable
- char *envp[] = { "HOME=/", "PATH=/usr/bin:/bin", NULL };
- char *argv[]={"-m 666",temp,"c",mjnum,minornum,NULL};
- info = pdata;
- DEBUG("ft1000_chdev:exec_mknod is called with major number = %d\n", info->DeviceMajor);
- sprintf(temp, "%s%s", "/dev/", info->DeviceName) ;
- sprintf(mjnum, "%d", info->DeviceMajor);
- sprintf(minornum, "%d", info->CardNumber);
- //char *argv[]={"mknod","-m 666",temp,"c",mjnum,minornum,NULL};
-// char *argv[]={"-m 666",temp,"c",mjnum,minornum,NULL};
- //for (i=0; i<7;i++)
- // DEBUG("argv[%d]=%s\n", i, argv[i]);
- retcode = call_usermodehelper ("/bin/mknod", argv, envp, 1);
- if (retcode) {
- DEBUG("ft1000_chdev:exec_mknod failed to make the node: retcode = %d\n", retcode);
- }
- return retcode;
-// Function: rm_mknod
-// Description: This module removes the FT1000 device file
-static int rm_mknod (void *pdata)
- struct ft1000_info *info;
- //char *argv[4]={"rm", "-f", "/dev/FT1000", NULL};
- int retcode;
- char temp[32];
- char *argv[]={"rm", "-f", temp, NULL};
- info = (struct ft1000_info *)pdata;
- DEBUG("ft1000_chdev:rm_mknod is called for device %s\n", info->DeviceName);
- sprintf(temp, "%s%s", "/dev/", info->DeviceName) ;
-// char *argv[]={"rm", "-f", temp, NULL};
- retcode = call_usermodehelper ("/bin/rm", argv, NULL, 1);
- if (retcode) {
- DEBUG("ft1000_chdev:rm_mknod failed to remove the node: retcode = %d\n", retcode);
- }
- else
- DEBUG("ft1000_chdev:rm_mknod done!\n");
- return retcode;
// Function: ft1000_get_buffer
@@ -195,8 +92,6 @@ struct dpram_blk *ft1000_get_buffer(struct list_head *bufflist)

// Function: ft1000_free_buffer
@@ -221,715 +116,3 @@ void ft1000_free_buffer(struct dpram_blk *pdpram_blk, struct list_head *plist)
spin_unlock_irqrestore(&free_buff_lock, flags);

-// Function: ft1000_CreateDevice
-// Parameters: dev - pointer to adapter object
-// Returns: 0 if successful
-// Description: Creates a private char device.
-// Notes: Only called by init_module().
-int ft1000_CreateDevice(struct ft1000_device *dev)
- struct ft1000_info *info = netdev_priv(dev->net);
- int result;
- int i;
- pid_t pid;
- // make a new device name
- sprintf(info->DeviceName, "%s%d", "FT100", info->CardNumber);
- // Delete any existing FT1000 node
- pid = kernel_thread (rm_mknod,(void *)info, 0);
- msleep(1000);
- DEBUG("ft1000_CreateDevice: number of instance = %d\n", ft1000_flarion_cnt);
- DEBUG("DeviceCreated = %x\n", info->DeviceCreated);
- //save the device info to global array
- pdevobj[info->CardNumber] = dev;
- DEBUG("ft1000_CreateDevice: ******SAVED pdevobj[%d]=%p\n", info->CardNumber, pdevobj[info->CardNumber]); //aelias [+] reason:up
- if (info->DeviceCreated)
- {
- DEBUG("ft1000_CreateDevice: \"%s\" already registered\n", info->DeviceName);
- return -EIO;
- }
- // register the device
- DEBUG("ft1000_CreateDevice: \"%s\" device registration\n", info->DeviceName);
- info->DeviceMajor = 0;
- result = register_chrdev(info->DeviceMajor, info->DeviceName, &ft1000fops);
- if (result < 0)
- {
- DEBUG("ft1000_CreateDevice: unable to get major %d\n", info->DeviceMajor);
- return result;
- }
- DEBUG("ft1000_CreateDevice: registered char device \"%s\"\n", info->DeviceName);
- // save a dynamic device major number
- if (info->DeviceMajor == 0)
- {
- info->DeviceMajor = result;
- DEBUG("ft1000_PcdCreateDevice: device major = %d\n", info->DeviceMajor);
- }
- // Create a thread to call user mode app to mknod
- pid = kernel_thread (exec_mknod, (void *)info, 0);
- // initialize application information
-// if (ft1000_flarion_cnt == 0) {
-// DEBUG("Initialize free_buff_lock and freercvpool\n");
-// spin_lock_init(&free_buff_lock);
-// // initialize a list of buffers to be use for queuing up receive command data
-// INIT_LIST_HEAD (&freercvpool);
-// // create list of free buffers
-// for (i=0; i<NUM_OF_FREE_BUFFERS; i++) {
-// // Get memory for DPRAM_DATA link list
-// pdpram_blk = kmalloc ( sizeof(struct dpram_blk), GFP_KERNEL );
-// // Get a block of memory to store command data
-// pdpram_blk->pbuffer = kmalloc ( MAX_CMD_SQSIZE, GFP_KERNEL );
-// // link provisioning data
-// list_add_tail (&pdpram_blk->list, &freercvpool);
-// }
-// numofmsgbuf = NUM_OF_FREE_BUFFERS;
-// }
- // initialize application information
- info->appcnt = 0;
- for (i=0; i<MAX_NUM_APP; i++) {
- info->app_info[i].nTxMsg = 0;
- info->app_info[i].nRxMsg = 0;
- info->app_info[i].nTxMsgReject = 0;
- info->app_info[i].nRxMsgMiss = 0;
- info->app_info[i].fileobject = NULL;
- info->app_info[i].app_id = i+1;
- info->app_info[i].DspBCMsgFlag = 0;
- info->app_info[i].NumOfMsg = 0;
- init_waitqueue_head(&info->app_info[i].wait_dpram_msg);
- INIT_LIST_HEAD (&info->app_info[i].app_sqlist);
- }
-// ft1000Handle[info->CardNumber] = devfs_register(NULL, info->DeviceName, DEVFS_FL_AUTO_DEVNUM, 0, 0,
-// S_IFCHR | S_IRUGO | S_IWUGO, &ft1000fops, NULL);
- info->DeviceCreated = TRUE;
- ft1000_flarion_cnt++;
- return result;
-// Function: ft1000_DestroyDeviceDEBUG
-// Parameters: dev - pointer to adapter object
-// Description: Destroys a private char device.
-// Notes: Only called by cleanup_module().
-void ft1000_DestroyDevice(struct net_device *dev)
- struct ft1000_info *info = netdev_priv(dev);
- int result = 0;
- pid_t pid;
- int i;
- struct dpram_blk *pdpram_blk;
- struct dpram_blk *ptr;
- DEBUG("ft1000_chdev:ft1000_DestroyDevice called\n");
- if (info->DeviceCreated)
- {
- ft1000_flarion_cnt--;
- unregister_chrdev(info->DeviceMajor, info->DeviceName);
- DEBUG("ft1000_DestroyDevice: unregistered device \"%s\", result = %d\n",
- info->DeviceName, result);
- pid = kernel_thread (rm_mknod, (void *)info, 0);
- // Make sure we free any memory reserve for slow Queue
- for (i=0; i<MAX_NUM_APP; i++) {
- while (list_empty(&info->app_info[i].app_sqlist) == 0) {
- pdpram_blk = list_entry(info->app_info[i], struct dpram_blk, list);
- list_del(&pdpram_blk->list);
- ft1000_free_buffer(pdpram_blk, &freercvpool);
- }
- wake_up_interruptible(&info->app_info[i].wait_dpram_msg);
- }
- // Remove buffer allocated for receive command data
- if (ft1000_flarion_cnt == 0) {
- while (list_empty(&freercvpool) == 0) {
- ptr = list_entry(, struct dpram_blk, list);
- list_del(&ptr->list);
- kfree(ptr->pbuffer);
- kfree(ptr);
- }
- }
-// devfs_unregister(ft1000Handle[info->CardNumber]);
- info->DeviceCreated = FALSE;
- pdevobj[info->CardNumber] = NULL;
- }
-// Function: ft1000_ChOpen
-// Parameters:
-// Description:
-// Notes:
-static int ft1000_ChOpen (struct inode *Inode, struct file *File)
- struct ft1000_info *info;
- int i,num;
- DEBUG("ft1000_ChOpen called\n");
- num = (MINOR(Inode->i_rdev) & 0xf);
- DEBUG("ft1000_ChOpen: minor number=%d\n", num);
- for (i=0; i<5; i++)
- DEBUG("pdevobj[%d]=%p\n", i, pdevobj[i]); //aelias [+] reason: down
- if ( pdevobj[num] != NULL )
- //info = (struct ft1000_info *)(pdevobj[num]->net->priv);
- info = (struct ft1000_info *)netdev_priv(pdevobj[num]->net);
- else
- {
- DEBUG("ft1000_ChOpen: can not find device object %d\n", num);
- return -1;
- }
- DEBUG("f_owner = %p number of application = %d\n", (&File->f_owner), info->appcnt );
- // Check if maximum number of application exceeded
- if (info->appcnt > MAX_NUM_APP) {
- DEBUG("Maximum number of application exceeded\n");
- return -EACCES;
- }
- // Search for available application info block
- for (i=0; i<MAX_NUM_APP; i++) {
- if ( (info->app_info[i].fileobject == NULL) ) {
- break;
- }
- }
- // Fail due to lack of application info block
- if (i == MAX_NUM_APP) {
- DEBUG("Could not find an application info block\n");
- return -EACCES;
- }
- info->appcnt++;
- info->app_info[i].fileobject = &File->f_owner;
- info->app_info[i].nTxMsg = 0;
- info->app_info[i].nRxMsg = 0;
- info->app_info[i].nTxMsgReject = 0;
- info->app_info[i].nRxMsgMiss = 0;
- File->private_data = pdevobj[num]->net;
- nonseekable_open(Inode, File);
- return 0;
-// Function: ft1000_ChPoll
-// Parameters:
-// Description:
-// Notes:
-static unsigned int ft1000_ChPoll(struct file *file, poll_table *wait)
- struct net_device *dev = file->private_data;
- struct ft1000_info *info;
- int i;
- //DEBUG("ft1000_ChPoll called\n");
- if (ft1000_flarion_cnt == 0) {
- DEBUG("FT1000:ft1000_ChPoll called when ft1000_flarion_cnt is zero\n");
- return (-EBADF);
- }
- info = (struct ft1000_info *) netdev_priv(dev);
- // Search for matching file object
- for (i=0; i<MAX_NUM_APP; i++) {
- if ( info->app_info[i].fileobject == &file->f_owner) {
- //DEBUG("FT1000:ft1000_ChIoctl: Message is for AppId = %d\n", info->app_info[i].app_id);
- break;
- }
- }
- // Could not find application info block
- if (i == MAX_NUM_APP) {
- DEBUG("FT1000:ft1000_ChIoctl:Could not find application info block\n");
- return ( -EACCES );
- }
- if (list_empty(&info->app_info[i].app_sqlist) == 0) {
- DEBUG("FT1000:ft1000_ChPoll:Message detected in slow queue\n");
- }
- poll_wait (file, &info->app_info[i].wait_dpram_msg, wait);
- //DEBUG("FT1000:ft1000_ChPoll:Polling for data from DSP\n");
- return (0);
-// Function: ft1000_ChIoctl
-// Parameters:
-// Description:
-// Notes:
-static long ft1000_ChIoctl (struct file *File, unsigned int Command,
- unsigned long Argument)
- void __user *argp = (void __user *)Argument;
- struct net_device *dev;
- struct ft1000_info *info;
- struct ft1000_device *ft1000dev;
- int result=0;
- int cmd;
- int i;
- u16 tempword;
- unsigned long flags;
- struct timeval tv;
- IOCTL_GET_VER get_ver_data;
- IOCTL_GET_DSP_STAT get_stat_data;
- u8 ConnectionMsg[] = {0x00,0x44,0x10,0x20,0x80,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x03,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x93,0x64,
- 0x00,0x00,0x02,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x05,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x0a,
- 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x02,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,
- 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x12,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,
- 0x00,0x00,0x02,0x37,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x08,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x01,0x00,0x01,0x7f,0x00,
- 0x00,0x01,0x00,0x00};
- unsigned short ledStat=0;
- unsigned short conStat=0;
- //DEBUG("ft1000_ChIoctl called\n");
- if (ft1000_flarion_cnt == 0) {
- DEBUG("FT1000:ft1000_ChIoctl called when ft1000_flarion_cnt is zero\n");
- return (-EBADF);
- }
- //DEBUG("FT1000:ft1000_ChIoctl:Command = 0x%x Argument = 0x%8x\n", Command, (u32)Argument);
- dev = File->private_data;
- info = (struct ft1000_info *) netdev_priv(dev);
- ft1000dev = info->pFt1000Dev;
- cmd = _IOC_NR(Command);
- //DEBUG("FT1000:ft1000_ChIoctl:cmd = 0x%x\n", cmd);
- // process the command
- switch (cmd) {
- DEBUG("FT1000:ft1000_ChIoctl: IOCTL_FT1000_REGISTER called\n");
- result = get_user(tempword, (__u16 __user*)argp);
- if (result) {
- DEBUG("result = %d failed to get_user\n", result);
- break;
- }
- if (tempword == DSPBCMSGID) {
- // Search for matching file object
- for (i=0; i<MAX_NUM_APP; i++) {
- if ( info->app_info[i].fileobject == &File->f_owner) {
- info->app_info[i].DspBCMsgFlag = 1;
- DEBUG("FT1000:ft1000_ChIoctl:Registered for broadcast messages\n");
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- DEBUG("FT1000:ft1000_ChIoctl: IOCTL_FT1000_GET_VER called\n");
- get_ver_data.drv_ver = FT1000_DRV_VER;
- if (copy_to_user(argp, &get_ver_data, sizeof(get_ver_data)) ) {
- DEBUG("FT1000:ft1000_ChIoctl: copy fault occurred\n");
- result = -EFAULT;
- break;
- }
- DEBUG("FT1000:ft1000_ChIoctl:driver version = 0x%x\n",(unsigned int)get_ver_data.drv_ver);
- break;
- // Connect Message
- DEBUG("FT1000:ft1000_ChIoctl: IOCTL_FT1000_CONNECT\n");
- ConnectionMsg[79] = 0xfc;
- CardSendCommand(ft1000dev, (unsigned short *)ConnectionMsg, 0x4c);
- break;
- // Disconnect Message
- DEBUG("FT1000:ft1000_ChIoctl: IOCTL_FT1000_DISCONNECT\n");
- ConnectionMsg[79] = 0xfd;
- CardSendCommand(ft1000dev, (unsigned short *)ConnectionMsg, 0x4c);
- break;
- //DEBUG("FT1000:ft1000_ChIoctl: IOCTL_FT1000_GET_DSP_STAT called\n");
- memset(&get_stat_data, 0, sizeof(get_stat_data));
- memcpy(get_stat_data.DspVer, info->DspVer, DSPVERSZ);
- memcpy(get_stat_data.HwSerNum, info->HwSerNum, HWSERNUMSZ);
- memcpy(get_stat_data.Sku, info->Sku, SKUSZ);
- memcpy(get_stat_data.eui64, info->eui64, EUISZ);
- if (info->ProgConStat != 0xFF) {
- ft1000_read_dpram16(ft1000dev, FT1000_MAG_DSP_LED, (u8 *)&ledStat, FT1000_MAG_DSP_LED_INDX);
- get_stat_data.LedStat = ntohs(ledStat);
- DEBUG("FT1000:ft1000_ChIoctl: LedStat = 0x%x\n", get_stat_data.LedStat);
- ft1000_read_dpram16(ft1000dev, FT1000_MAG_DSP_CON_STATE, (u8 *)&conStat, FT1000_MAG_DSP_CON_STATE_INDX);
- get_stat_data.ConStat = ntohs(conStat);
- DEBUG("FT1000:ft1000_ChIoctl: ConStat = 0x%x\n", get_stat_data.ConStat);
- }
- else {
- get_stat_data.ConStat = 0x0f;
- }
- get_stat_data.nTxPkts = info->stats.tx_packets;
- get_stat_data.nRxPkts = info->stats.rx_packets;
- get_stat_data.nTxBytes = info->stats.tx_bytes;
- get_stat_data.nRxBytes = info->stats.rx_bytes;
- do_gettimeofday ( &tv );
- get_stat_data.ConTm = (u32)(tv.tv_sec - info->ConTm);
- DEBUG("Connection Time = %d\n", (int)get_stat_data.ConTm);
- if (copy_to_user(argp, &get_stat_data, sizeof(get_stat_data)) ) {
- DEBUG("FT1000:ft1000_ChIoctl: copy fault occurred\n");
- result = -EFAULT;
- break;
- }
- DEBUG("ft1000_chioctl: GET_DSP_STAT succeed\n");
- break;
- {
- IOCTL_DPRAM_BLK *dpram_data;
- //IOCTL_DPRAM_COMMAND dpram_command;
- u16 qtype;
- u16 msgsz;
- struct pseudo_hdr *ppseudo_hdr;
- u16 *pmsg;
- u16 total_len;
- u16 app_index;
- u16 status;
- //DEBUG("FT1000:ft1000_ChIoctl: IOCTL_FT1000_SET_DPRAM called\n");
- if (ft1000_flarion_cnt == 0) {
- return (-EBADF);
- }
- if (info->DrvMsgPend) {
- return (-ENOTTY);
- }
- if ( (info->DspAsicReset) || (info->fProvComplete == 0) ) {
- return (-EACCES);
- }
- info->fAppMsgPend = 1;
- if (info->CardReady) {
- //DEBUG("FT1000:ft1000_ChIoctl: try to SET_DPRAM \n");
- // Get the length field to see how many bytes to copy
- result = get_user(msgsz, (__u16 __user *)argp);
- msgsz = ntohs (msgsz);
- //DEBUG("FT1000:ft1000_ChIoctl: length of message = %d\n", msgsz);
- if (msgsz > MAX_CMD_SQSIZE) {
- DEBUG("FT1000:ft1000_ChIoctl: bad message length = %d\n", msgsz);
- result = -EINVAL;
- break;
- }
- result = -ENOMEM;
- dpram_data = kmalloc(msgsz + 2, GFP_KERNEL);
- if (!dpram_data)
- break;
- //if ( copy_from_user(&(dpram_command.dpram_blk), (PIOCTL_DPRAM_BLK)Argument, msgsz+2) ) {
- if ( copy_from_user(&dpram_data, argp, msgsz+2) ) {
- DEBUG("FT1000:ft1000_ChIoctl: copy fault occurred\n");
- result = -EFAULT;
- }
- else {
-#if 0
- // whc - for debugging only
- ptr = (char *)&dpram_data;
- for (i=0; i<msgsz; i++) {
- DEBUG(1,"FT1000:ft1000_ChIoctl: data %d = 0x%x\n", i, *ptr++);
- }
- // Check if this message came from a registered application
- for (i=0; i<MAX_NUM_APP; i++) {
- if ( info->app_info[i].fileobject == &File->f_owner) {
- break;
- }
- }
- if (i==MAX_NUM_APP) {
- DEBUG("FT1000:No matching application fileobject\n");
- result = -EINVAL;
- kfree(dpram_data);
- break;
- }
- app_index = i;
- // Check message qtype type which is the lower byte within qos_class
- //qtype = ntohs(dpram_command.dpram_blk.pseudohdr.qos_class) & 0xff;
- qtype = ntohs(dpram_data->pseudohdr.qos_class) & 0xff;
- //DEBUG("FT1000_ft1000_ChIoctl: qtype = %d\n", qtype);
- if (qtype) {
- }
- else {
- // Put message into Slow Queue
- // Only put a message into the DPRAM if msg doorbell is available
- status = ft1000_read_register(ft1000dev, &tempword, FT1000_REG_DOORBELL);
- //DEBUG("FT1000_ft1000_ChIoctl: READ REGISTER tempword=%x\n", tempword);
- if (tempword & FT1000_DB_DPRAM_TX) {
- // Suspend for 2ms and try again due to DSP doorbell busy
- mdelay(2);
- status = ft1000_read_register(ft1000dev, &tempword, FT1000_REG_DOORBELL);
- if (tempword & FT1000_DB_DPRAM_TX) {
- // Suspend for 1ms and try again due to DSP doorbell busy
- mdelay(1);
- status = ft1000_read_register(ft1000dev, &tempword, FT1000_REG_DOORBELL);
- if (tempword & FT1000_DB_DPRAM_TX) {
- status = ft1000_read_register(ft1000dev, &tempword, FT1000_REG_DOORBELL);
- if (tempword & FT1000_DB_DPRAM_TX) {
- // Suspend for 3ms and try again due to DSP doorbell busy
- mdelay(3);
- status = ft1000_read_register(ft1000dev, &tempword, FT1000_REG_DOORBELL);
- if (tempword & FT1000_DB_DPRAM_TX) {
- DEBUG("FT1000:ft1000_ChIoctl:Doorbell not available\n");
- result = -ENOTTY;
- kfree(dpram_data);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- //DEBUG("FT1000_ft1000_ChIoctl: finished reading register\n");
- // Make sure we are within the limits of the slow queue memory limitation
- if ( (msgsz < MAX_CMD_SQSIZE) && (msgsz > PSEUDOSZ) ) {
- // Need to put sequence number plus new checksum for message
- //pmsg = (u16 *)&dpram_command.dpram_blk.pseudohdr;
- pmsg = (u16 *)&dpram_data->pseudohdr;
- ppseudo_hdr = (struct pseudo_hdr *)pmsg;
- total_len = msgsz+2;
- if (total_len & 0x1) {
- total_len++;
- }
- // Insert slow queue sequence number
- ppseudo_hdr->seq_num = info->squeseqnum++;
- ppseudo_hdr->portsrc = info->app_info[app_index].app_id;
- // Calculate new checksum
- ppseudo_hdr->checksum = *pmsg++;
- //DEBUG("checksum = 0x%x\n", ppseudo_hdr->checksum);
- for (i=1; i<7; i++) {
- ppseudo_hdr->checksum ^= *pmsg++;
- //DEBUG("checksum = 0x%x\n", ppseudo_hdr->checksum);
- }
- pmsg++;
- ppseudo_hdr = (struct pseudo_hdr *)pmsg;
-#if 0
- ptr = dpram_data;
- DEBUG("FT1000:ft1000_ChIoctl: Command Send\n");
- for (i=0; i<total_len; i++) {
- DEBUG("FT1000:ft1000_ChIoctl: data %d = 0x%x\n", i, *ptr++);
- }
- //dpram_command.extra = 0;
- //CardSendCommand(ft1000dev,(unsigned char*)&dpram_command,total_len+2);
- CardSendCommand(ft1000dev,(unsigned short*)dpram_data,total_len+2);
- info->app_info[app_index].nTxMsg++;
- }
- else {
- result = -EINVAL;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- DEBUG("FT1000:ft1000_ChIoctl: Card not ready take messages\n");
- result = -EACCES;
- }
- kfree(dpram_data);
- }
- break;
- {
- struct dpram_blk *pdpram_blk;
- IOCTL_DPRAM_BLK __user *pioctl_dpram;
- int msglen;
- //DEBUG("FT1000:ft1000_ChIoctl: IOCTL_FT1000_GET_DPRAM called\n");
- if (ft1000_flarion_cnt == 0) {
- return (-EBADF);
- }
- // Search for matching file object
- for (i=0; i<MAX_NUM_APP; i++) {
- if ( info->app_info[i].fileobject == &File->f_owner) {
- //DEBUG("FT1000:ft1000_ChIoctl: Message is for AppId = %d\n", info->app_info[i].app_id);
- break;
- }
- }
- // Could not find application info block
- if (i == MAX_NUM_APP) {
- DEBUG("FT1000:ft1000_ChIoctl:Could not find application info block\n");
- result = -EBADF;
- break;
- }
- result = 0;
- pioctl_dpram = argp;
- if (list_empty(&info->app_info[i].app_sqlist) == 0) {
- //DEBUG("FT1000:ft1000_ChIoctl:Message detected in slow queue\n");
- spin_lock_irqsave(&free_buff_lock, flags);
- pdpram_blk = list_entry(info->app_info[i], struct dpram_blk, list);
- list_del(&pdpram_blk->list);
- info->app_info[i].NumOfMsg--;
- //DEBUG("FT1000:ft1000_ChIoctl:NumOfMsg for app %d = %d\n", i, info->app_info[i].NumOfMsg);
- spin_unlock_irqrestore(&free_buff_lock, flags);
- msglen = ntohs(*(u16 *)pdpram_blk->pbuffer) + PSEUDOSZ;
- result = get_user(msglen, &pioctl_dpram->total_len);
- if (result)
- break;
- msglen = htons(msglen);
- //DEBUG("FT1000:ft1000_ChIoctl:msg length = %x\n", msglen);
- if(copy_to_user (&pioctl_dpram->pseudohdr, pdpram_blk->pbuffer, msglen))
- {
- DEBUG("FT1000:ft1000_ChIoctl: copy fault occurred\n");
- result = -EFAULT;
- break;
- }
- ft1000_free_buffer(pdpram_blk, &freercvpool);
- result = msglen;
- }
- //DEBUG("FT1000:ft1000_ChIoctl: IOCTL_FT1000_GET_DPRAM no message\n");
- }
- break;
- default:
- DEBUG("FT1000:ft1000_ChIoctl:unknown command: 0x%x\n", Command);
- result = -ENOTTY;
- break;
- }
- info->fAppMsgPend = 0;
- return result;
-// Function: ft1000_ChRelease
-// Parameters:
-// Description:
-// Notes:
-static int ft1000_ChRelease (struct inode *Inode, struct file *File)
- struct ft1000_info *info;
- struct net_device *dev;
- int i;
- struct dpram_blk *pdpram_blk;
- DEBUG("ft1000_ChRelease called\n");
- dev = File->private_data;
- info = (struct ft1000_info *) netdev_priv(dev);
- if (ft1000_flarion_cnt == 0) {
- info->appcnt--;
- return (-EBADF);
- }
- // Search for matching file object
- for (i=0; i<MAX_NUM_APP; i++) {
- if ( info->app_info[i].fileobject == &File->f_owner) {
- //DEBUG("FT1000:ft1000_ChIoctl: Message is for AppId = %d\n", info->app_info[i].app_id);
- break;
- }
- }
- if (i==MAX_NUM_APP)
- return 0;
- while (list_empty(&info->app_info[i].app_sqlist) == 0) {
- DEBUG("Remove and free memory queue up on slow queue\n");
- pdpram_blk = list_entry(info->app_info[i], struct dpram_blk, list);
- list_del(&pdpram_blk->list);
- ft1000_free_buffer(pdpram_blk, &freercvpool);
- }
- // initialize application information
- info->appcnt--;
- DEBUG("ft1000_chdev:%s:appcnt = %d\n", __FUNCTION__, info->appcnt);
- info->app_info[i].fileobject = NULL;
- return 0;
diff --git a/drivers/staging/ft1000/ft1000-usb/ft1000_hw.c b/drivers/staging/ft1000/ft1000-usb/ft1000_hw.c
index b41884e..62db2a3 100644
--- a/drivers/staging/ft1000/ft1000-usb/ft1000_hw.c
+++ b/drivers/staging/ft1000/ft1000-usb/ft1000_hw.c
@@ -950,10 +950,6 @@ int reg_ft1000_netdev(struct ft1000_device *ft1000dev, struct usb_interface *int
return rc;

- //Create character device, implemented by Jim
- ft1000_CreateDevice(ft1000dev);
DEBUG ("reg_ft1000_netdev returned\n");

pInfo->CardReady = 1;
diff --git a/drivers/staging/ft1000/ft1000-usb/ft1000_usb.c b/drivers/staging/ft1000/ft1000-usb/ft1000_usb.c
index b7c4602..f20acd1 100644
--- a/drivers/staging/ft1000/ft1000-usb/ft1000_usb.c
+++ b/drivers/staging/ft1000/ft1000-usb/ft1000_usb.c
@@ -231,7 +231,6 @@ static void ft1000_disconnect(struct usb_interface *interface)

if (pft1000info->pFt1000Dev->net) {
DEBUG("ft1000_disconnect: destroy char driver\n");
- ft1000_DestroyDevice(pft1000info->pFt1000Dev->net);
("ft1000_disconnect: network device unregisterd\n");
diff --git a/drivers/staging/ft1000/ft1000-usb/ft1000_usb.h b/drivers/staging/ft1000/ft1000-usb/ft1000_usb.h
index a07db26..4375994 100644
--- a/drivers/staging/ft1000/ft1000-usb/ft1000_usb.h
+++ b/drivers/staging/ft1000/ft1000-usb/ft1000_usb.h
@@ -572,8 +572,6 @@ u16 scram_dnldr(struct ft1000_device *ft1000dev, void *pFileStart, u32 FileLeng
extern struct list_head freercvpool;
extern spinlock_t free_buff_lock; // lock to arbitrate free buffer list for receive command data

-int ft1000_CreateDevice(struct ft1000_device *dev);
-void ft1000_DestroyDevice(struct net_device *dev);
extern void CardSendCommand(struct ft1000_device *ft1000dev, void *ptempbuffer, int size);

struct dpram_blk *ft1000_get_buffer(struct list_head *bufflist);

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  Last update: 2010-11-10 11:15    [W:0.166 / U:0.220 seconds]
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