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SubjectRe: [PATCH] virtio_console: Add support for multiple ports for generic guest and host communication
[Adding Greg to the CC list]

On (Fri) Sep 11 2009 [17:00:10], Alan Cox wrote:
> > The interface presented to guest userspace is of a simple char
> > device, so it can be used like this:
> >
> > fd = open("/dev/vcon2", O_RDWR);
> > ret = read(fd, buf, 100);
> > ret = write(fd, string, strlen(string));
> >
> > Each port is to be assigned a unique function, for example, the
> > first 4 ports may be reserved for libvirt usage, the next 4 for
> > generic streaming data and so on. This port-function mapping
> > isn't finalised yet.
> Unless I am missing something this looks completely bonkers
> Every time we have a table of numbers for functionality it ends in
> tears. We have to keep tables up to date and managed, we have to
> administer the magical number to name space.
> Anyway - you don't seem to need a fixed number you can use dynamic
> allocation and udev.
> There are at least two better ways to do this
> - Using sysfs nodes so you have a proper heirarchy of names/functions
> - Using a simple file system which provides a heirarchy of nodes whose
> enumeration and access is backed by calls to whatever happyvisor you
> are using.
> it then self enumerates, self populates, doesn't need anyone to keep
> updating magic tables of guest code and expands cleanly - yes ?

Hey Greg,

Can you tell me how this could work out -- each console port could have
a "role" string associated with it (obtainable from the invoking qemu
process in case of qemu/kvm). Something that I have in mind currently

$ qemu-kvm ... -virtioconsole role=org/qemu/clipboard

and then the guest kernel sees the string, and puts the
"org/qemu/clipboard" in some file in sysfs. Guest userspace should then
be able to open and read/write to


I guess that's an acceptable scheme to all.

I also don't know how this would work -- which sysfs attributes to
export and how would udev pick that up and create the device at the
specified location.

Any pointers appreciated.


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  Last update: 2009-09-15 14:41    [W:0.139 / U:0.100 seconds]
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