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SubjectRe: report a bug about sched_rt
On Fri, 2009-07-24 at 18:57 +0800, sen wang wrote:
> I find something is wrong about sched_rt.
> when I am debugging my system with rt_bandwidth_enabled, there is a
> running realtime FIFO task in the sched_rt running queue and
> the fair running queue is empty. I found the idle task will be
> scheduled up when the running task still lie in the sched_rt running
> queue!
> this will happen when rt runqueue passed it's rt_bandwidth_enabled
> runtime,then the scheduler choose the idle task instead of realtime
> FIFO task.
> the reason lie in: when scheduler try to pick up a realtime FIFO task,
> it will check if rt_throttled is enabled,
> if so, it'll return and try fair queue but it is empty, then it come
> to the sched_idle class.
> I don't think it reasonable, we should give the realtime FIFO task the
> chance, even when rt runqueue passed it's runtime.
> because it is cpu's free time.
> To fix it ,and keep rt_bandwidth works as before, I think
> pick_next_task_rt() is the best space,

RT is about determinism, sometimes having some extra time dependent on
the runnability of SCHED_OTHER tasks is utterly useless.

If you don't like the throttle, disable it.

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  Last update: 2009-07-24 14:15    [W:0.131 / U:0.064 seconds]
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