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SubjectRe: Realtek 8111c weirdness problems, apic/msi, and normal bug
On Sat, 2008-04-12 at 21:22 +0200, Francois Romieu wrote:
> Kasper Sandberg <> :
> > Sorry for top posting, but its just easier in this case :)
> Tsk, tsk.
> > I may have just gotten some new information to share.
> >
> > I just built -git8. and the nic didnt work.. by booting with
> > noapic/nomsi i got it running though. then i did some tests, and
> > rebooted into the default(has worked mostly for me) noapic/msi boot.
> > Then it worked.
> Can you try a simple 'nomsi' boot ?

first off, isnt it pci=nomsi? it still appears to be using msi when
booting with nomsi. anyway, i did as you asked.

I have now booted with a multitude of parameters and combinations,
dumped lots of information and done tests.

> The lspci in your previous message (2008/04/10) suggested that
> something was very wrong at the PCI level:
> [...]
> 05:00.0 0200: 10ec:8168 (rev ff) (prog-if ff)
> !!! Unknown header type 7f
> Kernel driver in use: r8169
> Kernel modules: r8169
> 00: ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff
> 10: ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff
> 20: ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff
> 30: ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff
> (but this was on an older kernel, right ?)
> When you see such an output, can you try to see if the direct access
> option of lspci (-H{1/2}) makes a difference ?
i have dumped with both.
> [...]
> > if its a boot where the nic works, i can usually rmmod/modprobe the
> > module once without it giving error, however if its a boot where the nic
> > doesent work, first time i rmmod and modprobe, it gives me an error..
> >
> > the error is:
> > PCI: cache line size of 32 is not supported by device 0000:05:00.0
> > ACPI: PCI interrupt for device 0000:05:00.0 disabled
> > r8169: probe of 0000:05:00.0 failed with error -22
> What does lspci say here ?
all in the dumps :)
> > I have attached some dmesgs(sorry, but my client messes up inlines..)
> > also.. link detecting isnt working properly, sometimes it will detect a
> > link as down after a while.. its quite weird..
> (please increase the size of your kernel log buffer)
> > (oh, and this time its without nvidia just to be 100000% sure)
> Thanks.
> > I hope this can help to get it resolved, alot of people are having
> > problems with these controllers.. i can however confirm that a similar
> > controller is working perfectly on a friends gigabyte motherboard, thats
> > with P35 chipset though, i have X48. He has only 1 of them onboard.
> You can ask your friend to grep for the 'XID' line in the kernel log
> written by the r8169 driver. If the values match, you have got the same
> 816x hardware.
I shall do as soon as he comes online.
> There are different problems with the 8168
> - older kernel with broken mmconfig / msi / etc.
> - newer 8168 chipsets which are currently not correctly handled
> - plain 8168 driver bugs
> - ...
> (that being said, it really works for some users too)
> > also something which may be of interrest, realtek offers a modified
> > r8169 driver called "r8168", which supposedly fixes this. I have been
> > unable to get it to compile though, but i saw it on ubuntu forums.
> I am looking very closely at Realtek's drivers but the diff between
> the different revisions of their 8168 driver are not always as
> readable as I would hope for (things have improved though).
okay.. well, i just thought i'd mention it, to be honest, i have more
faith in you than realtek :)

the information i have dumped is too substantial to have inline in mail,
and also, my mail client destroys whitespace, so i have put up a
tarball, which is available here:

if you need more, for example, boots with "pci=nomsi" instead of just
the nomsi parameter, or combinations, as always, feel free to ask, and i
shall provide it.


> Realtek is working at fixing its 8168 driver for recent kernels. It
> should be easier to compare its behavior against the in-kernel driver
> with recent kernels soon. It will makes everybody's life easier.

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  Last update: 2008-04-13 00:07    [W:2.022 / U:0.004 seconds]
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