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SubjectRe: [alsa-devel] [regression] 2.6.25-rc4 snd-es18xx broken on Alpha
Rene Herman wrote:
> Lovely, so different problem between you and Bob. When you (either of you)
> have some time for it again, could you try:
> $ sox asskickd.wav -w -t alsa hw

Tight loop at the beginning of the file: rapid continuous repeat of approx.
the first couple tenths of a second. Hitting <ctrl>C caused playback to
advance to the next small section of the soundfile. Further <ctrl>C's did
nothing I noticed: had to type <ctrl>\ to kill sox.

> $ sox asskickd.wav -w -r 44100 -t alsa hw

Several seconds of silence, followed by what sounded like continuous pitched
machine-gun fire. Each <ctrl>C advanced through the file (the pitch of the
machine-gun fire changed slightly). Still had to type <ctrl>\ to kill sox.

> $ sox asskickd.wav -w -r 44100 -c 2 -t alsa hw

Silence for longer than I had patience to wait :-). Hitting <ctrl>C several
times finally got me to an even more rapid machine-gun fire than the previous
test. As in the previous test, each <ctrl>C advanced further through the file,
although the perceived increment was smaller. Still had to type <ctrl>\ to
kill sox.

Bob Tracy | "I was a beta tester for dirt. They never did | get all the bugs out." - Steve McGrew on /.

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