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SubjectRe: [ANNOUNCE] Ramback: faster than a speeding bullet
> If the primary server goes down then we lose exactly one interesting
> data element stored only in its memory: the ramdisk dirty map. Though
> we could be much cleverer, the backup server will simply set its entire
> map to dirty when it takes over, and will duly sync back the entire
> ramdisk to media a few minutes later.

Assuming the 1010 has proper power isolation that makes sense and would
give you pretty much what was wanted. Especially as you can replace the
secondary server with a small system which does *nothing* but sync the
ramdisk back and so is far less likely to crash.

Does make you wonder why its not built into the violin ;)


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  Last update: 2008-03-18 15:15    [W:0.179 / U:1.912 seconds]
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