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    SubjectRe: [PATCH -mm] kexec jump -v9
    Hi all.

    I hope kexec turns out to be a good, usable solution. Unfortunately,
    however, I still have some areas where I'm not convinced that kexec is
    going to work or work well:

    1. Reliability.

    It's being sold as a replacement for freezing processes, yet AFAICS it's
    still going to require the freezer in order to be reliable. In the
    normal case, there isn't much of an issue with freeing memory or
    allocating swap, and so these steps can be expected to progress without
    pain. Imagine, however, the situation where another process or processes
    are trying to allocate large amounts of memory at the same time, or the
    system is swapping heavily. Although such situations will not be common,
    they are entirely conceivable, and any implementation ought to be able
    to handle such a situation efficiently. If the freezer is removed, any
    hibernation implementation - not just kexec - is going to have a much
    harder job of being reliable in all circumstances. AFAICS, the only way
    a kexec based solution is going to be able to get around this will be to
    not have to allocate memory, but that will require permanent allocation
    of memory for the kexec kernel and it's work area as well as the
    permanent, exclusive allocation of storage for the kexec hibernation
    implementation that's currently in place (making the LCA complaint about
    not being able to hibernate to swap on NTFS on fuse equally relevant).

    While this might be feasible on machines with larger amounts of memory
    (you might validly be able to argue that a user won't miss 10MB of RAM),
    it does make hibernation less viable or unviable for systems with less
    memory (embedded!). It also means that there are 10MB of RAM (or
    whatever amount) that the user has paid good money for, but which are
    probably only used for 30s at a time a couple of times a day.

    Any attempt to start to use storage available to the hibernating kernel
    is also going to have these race issues.

    2. Lack of ACPI support.

    At the moment, noone is going to want to use kexec based hibernation if
    they have an ACPI system. This needs to be addressed before it can be
    considered a serious contender.

    3. Usability.

    Right now, kexec based hibernation looks quite complicated to configure,
    and the user is apparently going to have to remember to boot a different
    kernel or at least a different bootloader entry in order to resume. Not
    a plus. It would be good if you could find a way to use one bootloader
    entry, resuming if there's an image, booting normally if there's not.


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