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SubjectRe: Distributed storage.
On Saturday 04 August 2007 09:37, Evgeniy Polyakov wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 03, 2007 at 06:19:16PM -0700, I wrote:
> > To be sure, I am not very proud of this throttling mechanism for
> > various reasons, but the thing is, _any_ throttling mechanism no
> > matter how sucky solves the deadlock problem. Over time I want to
> > move the
> make_request_fn is always called in process context,

Yes, as is submit_bio which calls it. The decision re where it is best
to throttle, in submit_bio or in make_request_fn, has more to do with
system factoring, that is, is throttling something that _every_ block
device should have (yes I think) or is it a delicate, optional thing
that needs a tweakable algorithm per block device type (no I think).

The big worry I had was that by blocking on congestion in the
submit_bio/make_request_fn I might stuff up system-wide mm writeout.
But a while ago that part of the mm was tweaked (by Andrew if I recall
correctly) to use a pool of writeout threads and understand the concept
of one of them blocking on some block device, and not submit more
writeout to the same block device until the first thread finishes its
submission. Meanwhile, other mm writeout threads carry on with other
block devices.

> we can wait in it for memory in mempool. Although that means we
> already in trouble.

Not at all. This whole block writeout path needs to be written to run
efficiently even when normal system memory is completely gone. All it
means when we wait on a mempool is that the block device queue is as
full as we are ever going to let it become, and that means the block
device is working as hard as it can (subject to a small caveat: for
some loads a device can work more efficiently if it can queue up larger
numbers of requests down at the physical elevators).

By the way, ddsnap waits on a counting semaphore, not a mempool. That
is because we draw our reserve memory from the global memalloc reserve,
not from a mempool. And that is not only because it takes less code to
do so, but mainly because global pools as opposed to lots of little
special purpose pools seem like a good idea to me. Though I will admit
that with our current scheme we need to allow for the total of the
maximum reserve requirements for all memalloc users in the memalloc
pool, so it does not actually save any memory vs dedicated pools. We
could improve that if we wanted to, by having hard and soft reserve
requirements: the global reserve actually only needs to be as big as
the total of the hard requirements. With this idea, if by some unlucky
accident every single pool user got itself maxed out at the same time,
we would still not exceed our share of the global reserve.
Under "normal" low memory situations, a block device would typically be
free to grab reserve memory up to its soft limit, allowing it to
optimize over a wider range of queued transactions. My little idea
here is: allocating specific pages to a pool is kind of dumb, all we
really want to do is account precisely for the number of pages we are
allowed to draw from the global reserve.

OK, I kind of digressed, but this all counts as explaining the details
of what Peter and I have been up to for the last year (longer for me).
At this point, we don't need to do the reserve accounting in the most
absolutely perfect way possible, we just need to get something minimal
in place to fix the current deadlock problems, then we can iteratively
improve it.

> I agree, any kind of high-boundary leveling must be implemented in
> device itself, since block layer does not know what device is at the
> end and what it will need to process given block request.

I did not say the throttling has to be implemented in the device, only
that we did it there because it was easiest to code that up and try it
out (it worked). This throttling really wants to live at a higher
level, possibly submit_bio()>endio(). Someone at OLS (James
Bottomley?) suggested it would be better done at the request queue
layer, but I do not immediately see why that should be. I guess this
is going to come down to somebody throwing out a patch for interested
folks to poke at. But this detail is a fine point. The big point is
to have _some_ throttling mechanism in place on the block IO path,

Device mapper in particular does not have any throttling itself: calling
submit_bio on a device mapper device directly calls the device mapper
bio dispatcher. Default initialized block device queue do provide a
crude form of throttling based on limiting the number of requests.
This is insufficiently precise to do a good job in the long run, but it
works for now because the current gaggle of low level block drivers do
not have a lot of resource requirements and tend to behave fairly
predictably (except for some irritating issues re very slow devices
working in parallel with very fast devices, but... worry about that
later). Network block drivers - for example your driver - do have
nontrivial resource requirements and they do not, as far as I can see,
have any form of throttling on the upstream side. So unless you can
demonstrate I'm wrong (I would be more than happy about that) then we
are going to need to add some.

Anyway, I digressed again. _Every_ layer in a block IO stack needs to
have a reserve, if it consumes memory. So we can't escape the question
of how big to make those reserves by trying to push it all down to the
lowest level, hoping that the low level device knows more about how
many requests it will have in flight. For the time being, we will just
plug in some seat of the pants numbers in classic Linux fashion and
that will serve us until somebody gets around to inventing the one true
path discovery mechanism that can sniff around in the block IO stack
and figure out the optimal amount of system resources to reserve at
each level, which ought to be worth at least a master's thesis for


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